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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 10, 2024
I've moved to a new company and I need to use an L2TP VPN with my M3 Air / Sonoma 14.5 to connect to a remote machine.

I was able to get the VPN working quite easily (had to do set some additional routes) and I was able to connect via Remote Desktop to my Windows working machine the whole day. Around the end of the work day my VPN dropped and has stopped working ever since.

It connects, but I don't really have any internet and after 2-3 mins I get disconnected from the VPN. I was using the 5Ghz Wi-Fi router at home the whole day. The weird thing is that right now the VPN is working via Personal Hotspot and does NOT drop (tested for 20-30 mins). I tried reseting my router to factory settings. I'm using a Static IP

Here are the last logs from ppp.log

Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : no echo-reply, start ppp_auxiliary_probe! Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: starting Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: found goog-dns address Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: sent to goog-dns over scope 12 Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: found peer address Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: sent to peer over scope 12 Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: no alternate peer address Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_ip_probe_send: 2 probes sent Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_auxiliary_probe[0] response! Wed Jul 10 21:31:46 2024 : ppp_auxiliary_probe[1] response! Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : no echo-reply, despite successful ppp_auxiliary_probe! Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : No response to 3 echo-requests Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : Serial link appears to be disconnected. Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : ipcp: down Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : sent [LCP TermReq id=0x2 "Peer not responding"] Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : Connection terminated. Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : Connect time 1.4 minutes. Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : Sent 25202 bytes, received 152 bytes. Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : L2TP disconnecting... Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : L2TP sent CDN Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : L2TP sent StopCCN Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : L2TP clearing port-mapping for en0 Wed Jul 10 21:32:06 2024 : L2TP disconnected


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
Some values, like DisconnectOnIdle, can be set with a configuration profile.
Apple Developer Documentation - The dictionary that contains VPN, IPSec, and IKEv2 settings.
Microsoft - macOSVpnConfiguration resource type
iMazing Profile Editor

Similar issue with IKEv2
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