I needed another Mac to run tests for my dev work. I looked around for a refurb'd Mac mini, but just couldn't find one for the right price.
So I figured I'd make a holiday project out of it... I found a 3rd party refurb'd mac pro 1,1 2.0Ghz on ebay for $515. It was almost spotless. To top it off, it came with a 3Gb of ram, bluetooth, and wifi. What a deal.
I picked up a pair of Xeon E5345's (Quad core 2.33Ghz) on ebay for $99, and 4Gb's of ram with apple heatsinks for $59.
All the videos etc. on the web were a big help. I went about the cpu swap as prescribed. The most difficult part was removing the fan cage as everyone else has noted. The trick is to rock it back and forth, left and right. The sticking latch is a vertical catch at the base of the case, right where you can't get your fingers into!
So, chips swapped, everything put back together. Plugged it in, and hit the switch. Nothing! No boing. My heart sank. I thought I got bad chips, so started the process in reverse, thinking I'd have to send the chips back. But once everything was in pieces, some wild hair made me decide to give it another try... So, I put everything together again, just like I did the first time, I thought.
So, again, chips swapped, everything put back together (again). Plugged it in, and hit the switch. Boing!!! Success!
Geekbench scores are around what everyone has reported... went from around 4200 to around 8200. Handbrake saw better improvements tho... on one movie, it went from 59mins down to 27 mins.
I also tried adding some ram w/o the "apple approved" heatsinks (i.e. with the "Normal" heatsinks)... Not good... they were running hot and kept the fans running 800-1200 rpm constants (which is the diff between audible and inaudible). So out they came. May add more with the approved heatsinks later. Maybe new GPU...
So, for around $675, I think I got me a pretty kick ass machine! I'd definitely do it again.