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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 22, 2018

after having laboriously prepared my brave MacPro 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon from
2012 for Mojave (switched off FileVault (Decrypt lasted 7 hours), bought and installed a
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760, installed Mojave (10.14.2), BootRom being, hd being
APFS) everything works,

except for this: FileVault.

After the Mojave installation (10.14.2) the MacPro answers my activation attempts of
FileVault via the Security System Preferences with the error message:

"FileVault cannot be used on this system and operating system" (or something to that
effect, as the message is in German)

This morning with OSX 10.13.6 the MacPro handled FileVault-Encryption still very well.
What is going on here?

Now I read tsialex's nonchalant comment in his post from Sept. 24th
(" MP5,1: What you have to do to upgrade to Mojave"):
"Disable FileVault2 if enabled, since FV2 is not supported anymore with a Mac Pro 5,1 running Mojave."
Is that true, is that confirmed? I never read sth from Apple about that.

Thanks for your hints and explanations


macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2016
It’s not allowed to run File Vault on Mojave with Mac Pro 5,1.

High Sierra with boot ROM is probably the best option for these. I am running Mojave on my 4,1 flashed to 5,1. Mojave offers nothing better than High Sierra did for me. I regret upgrading to Mojave’s, but I don’t feel like going through the process of reverting to High Sierra.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 22, 2018
Hello Slash-2CPU,

"It’s not allowed to run File Vault on Mojave with Mac Pro 5,1"
Why is that?
Do you have a source for that? I never saw it 'advertised' by Apple.


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2008
As mentioned, Filevault will not work in mojave on a mac pro.
Either stick with HS or do without filevault.
We are blessed that the latest OS runs on 8-9 year old kit.....:)
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 22, 2018
It’s fully explained here: Read the entire thing.

No, that explains nothing. If you read that and my post you'd know
that I didn't run into the potential problems Apple describes while upgrading to 10.14 with Filevault
for I use a fully supported graphics card that does show an "Apple logo and startup progress bar"
during Mojave-startup. They warn against using any Graphics Card besides their
recommended ones, which potentially don't show an "Apple logo and startup progress bar"
during startup with Filevault in which case you can't access the volume.
Besides this specific problem (which I don't have 'cause I use a "good" graphics card)
they nowhere mention, if and why Filevault is not supportet on a MacPro 5.1 with Mojave
and that Mojave will refuse to encrypt a volume as a Filevault-volume


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2011
Las Vegas, NV
Its because apple took the easy way out and just disabled it... even if you have a card that supports boot screen and metal, like the GTX680 Mac Edition.


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2008
As this thread is often referenced when people ask about FileVault on the 5,1 in Mojave, here is a reference to the modification you can make to bypass this without needing to use another install or another mac to do it.
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