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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 9, 2011
I wanted to know what other processors could be upgraded from the 2010 macpro quad besides the 3 listed in the other guide to doing it. Could you do a amd phenom II 6 core 3.2 or intel 990x 3.6ghz 6 core or 980x? please for anyone that has information on this to explain or let me know i would greatly appreciate it! bashers beware this is a helping site rude comments just not needed. thanks
for hex core the following three are it:

you can put in quite a few quad cores

of course that would not make a lot of sense since they are not a big improvement over the 2.8 in the machine. I did a lot of research I have not seen any amd's I think it may be possible to do the intel 980 and 990 maybe some one has read up on using one of them. Others have said buy a base quad 2010 and make it a dual hex lets you use more ram sticks. I will say this my 3.2 w3670 hex wiil run 4 8gb sticks of this ram. so for under 560 32gb ram works with the 3.2 hex
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I wanted to know what other processors could be upgraded from the 2010 macpro quad besides the 3 listed in the other guide to doing it. Could you do a amd phenom II 6 core 3.2 or intel 990x 3.6ghz 6 core or 980x? please for anyone that has information on this to explain or let me know i would greatly appreciate it! bashers beware this is a helping site rude comments just not needed. thanks

Due to EFI firmware limitations one has to have an Intel Xeon chip

that really helped out alot. so based on the second comment i take it the 980 or 990 based on the firmware is out?? i really was hoping to get that sucker! also your other comment about taking quad to dual 6 cores. I thought you couldn't with the quads? and is it that much more difficult or harder to do then the cpu upgrade listed on the forum recently? basic time to do it and what it involves? just a jist that would be my ideal of course taking it to dual 2.46 hexa cores or lesser like 3.2 or such. Also if done what would the ram limitation be if dual hexa? i think doing the other mod to 6 core is what 24gb ram? i didn't get that because the base machine is 32gb 4x8gb sticks. but im figuring it has to do with the cpu limitation? thanks all for answering please come continue the help!!
Due to EFI firmware limitations one has to have an Intel Xeon chip

What? No.

There's been more than enough times where people have put Intel Core i7's into their Mac Pro. One example here. All that happens is you're free to use Non-ECC RAM.

And from that post, you can put a 980x into a Mac Pro. And, most likely a 990x.

The key factor is that the CPU's MUST be Socket LGA 1366 (Intel).
What? No.

There's been more than enough times where people have put Intel Core i7's into their Mac Pro. One example here. All that happens is you're free to use Non-ECC RAM.

And from that post, you can put a 980x into a Mac Pro. And, most likely a 990x.

The key factor is that the CPU's MUST be Socket LGA 1366 (Intel).

Sorry, last year people were reporting sleep problems with i7s
thanks for that clarity! so I could put the 980 or 990x. one other question is it much harder to put dual 6 hex cores or weither it be two 990x or two xeon 3.2 or any of those? then it is the normal cpu upgrade that was done on here? I really would like to put dual hexa cores (990x or xeon 3.46 o r3.2) in it. I realize you lose ecc support but it's not a deal buster. let me know thanks!

Oh one clarification when you say Free to use non ecc does this mean you can use non ecc only and cannot use ecc ram or you can use either?
thanks for that clarity! so I could put the 980 or 990x. one other question is it much harder to put dual 6 hex cores or weither it be two 990x or two xeon 3.2 or any of those? then it is the normal cpu upgrade that was done on here? I really would like to put dual hexa cores (990x or xeon 3.46 o r3.2) in it. I realize you lose ecc support but it's not a deal buster. let me know thanks!

There are a couple problems with that. First, you would need a new backplane and CPU daughterboard for dual CPUs, second, i7s won't do dual CPU, you need 5000 series Xeons for that.
Yeah, that's actually the "bonus" from the Xeons is that the Xeons add the dual CPU support. Normal i7s are only single core.
ok so stick with xeon, what 6 core processors for xeon could I use for doing so, what about the 3.2, 3.46 hexa xeons listed on the forum for the 6 core upgrade could you used two of those and upgrade? also I take it you'd still need the new backplane and cpu daughterboard for dual cpus?
ok so stick with xeon, what 6 core processors for xeon could I use for doing so, what about the 3.2, 3.46 hexa xeons listed on the forum for the 6 core upgrade could you used two of those and upgrade? also I take it you'd still need the new backplane and cpu daughterboard for dual cpus?

You could use two X5690s, which are the 3.46GHz. (Also $1700 apiece), and you would need the backplane and daughterboard, which are both specific to the Mac Pro and year of the model, and are very expensive.

What do you need all this power for?

For reference, OWC will do this upgrade for a modest $4200.
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lol Need? Can any of Us really say Need? How about "distinct void to fill" but really I do alot of REDone encoding and video along with high end 3d work plus I'm more considering my options I'm more likely to go for the hexacore upgrade of the 990x to it. I just want to make sure any unforeseen problems as I have only heard of anyone doing the 980x not 990 so double checking. I know they do but still $4200 can't say doing it myself for alot cheaper isn't better or that the money couldn't go better somewhere else besides the hexa core should kill it no problem. Is there anyway to get 32gb on there working with the 990x?
lol Need? Can any of Us really say Need? How about "distinct void to fill" but really I do alot of REDone encoding and video along with high end 3d work plus I'm more considering my options I'm more likely to go for the hexacore upgrade of the 990x to it. I just want to make sure any unforeseen problems as I have only heard of anyone doing the 980x not 990 so double checking. I know they do but still $4200 can't say doing it myself for alot cheaper isn't better or that the money couldn't go better somewhere else besides the hexa core should kill it no problem. Is there anyway to get 32gb on there working with the 990x?

I was just curious, as those are some pretty potent options, and I have no idea what I would do with that much CPU. I'm not sure about the 32GB though.
I was just curious, as those are some pretty potent options, and I have no idea what I would do with that much CPU. I'm not sure about the 32GB though.

Why do people feel the need in this forum to question others over RAM, GPU and CPU improvements (almost with the implication that those trying to upgrade are engaging in evil opulence or excess...)

I find such questions small-minded and small-spirited...or if not that, just sophomoric.

There are LOTS of reasons where people need more power and it's not really anyone else's business. For those that do serious 3d work or HD compositing or scientific research there it is a brain-dead easy value proposition to improve your system...and current workstations are NOT at the end-all point yet.
I agree, I would even suggest as much as you'd think pretty soon we will hit a point where there will be no need for anything more, I don't think thats true because new technology will make things even bigger resolution higher ability more interactive and needing more ram cpu or in the far future some other technology that needs updating. but I didn't technically take alust for questioning in that manner, but more like curiousity. I do agree though. don't judge others to what they spend or why they do it. it serves no purpose just rejoice for someone else to be blessed with it!
Why do people feel the need in this forum to question others over RAM, GPU and CPU improvements (almost with the implication that those trying to upgrade are engaging in evil opulence or excess...)

I find such questions small-minded and small-spirited...or if not that, just sophomoric.

There are LOTS of reasons where people need more power and it's not really anyone else's business. For those that do serious 3d work or HD compositing or scientific research there it is a brain-dead easy value proposition to improve your system...and current workstations are NOT at the end-all point yet.

As I said, it was a matter of curiosity. Plus, based on usage, it's easier to determine what the best solution is. No judgement here, just trying to help
Why do people feel the need in this forum to question others over RAM, GPU and CPU improvements (almost with the implication that those trying to upgrade are engaging in evil opulence or excess...)

I find such questions small-minded and small-spirited...or if not that, just sophomoric.

There are LOTS of reasons where people need more power and it's not really anyone else's business. For those that do serious 3d work or HD compositing or scientific research there it is a brain-dead easy value proposition to improve your system...and current workstations are NOT at the end-all point yet.

There's still a valid reason to go "what do you need all that much power for".

Someone asking me that question made me list out my requirements, and realize I could go with less cores and make important gains with more RAM and a faster HD using the savings.
Due to EFI firmware limitations one has to have an Intel Xeon chip
Not entirely true.

It's possible to run i7's in the SP systems (can't do any of the B1 stepped parts in 2009's, but is possible with 2010's = why the SP Hex core parts work).

For DP systems, Xeon's are required due to the necessitation of the second QPI channel (chipset cannot disable one of the QPI links, which is why it must be a Xeon, even though one processor may be used).

Sorry, last year people were reporting sleep problems with i7s
To me, that's not the end of the world (they still work otherwise).

It may also be moot now, due to newer updates in OS X (don't recall any testing with more recent forms of 10.6 since those reports).

thanks for that clarity! so I could put the 980 or 990x. one other question is it much harder to put dual 6 hex cores or whether it be two 990x or two Xeon 3.2 or any of those? then it is the normal CPU upgrade that was done on here? I really would like to put dual hexa cores (990x or Xeon 3.46 o r3.2) in it. I realize you lose ECC support but it's not a deal buster. let me know thanks!
With the SP daughterboard, it's easy. Drop the new processor in.

But to convert it to a DP system, it's more involved (need to replace the daughter board, and IIRC, the backplane board as well <one with the PCIe slots on it> to get the updated SMC firmware <controls case fans and the like>, as it won't update with the new daughterboard). So this could cost you more than it's worth (= likely best to sell off the SP model, and get a DP system).

Oh one clarification when you say Free to use non ECC does this mean you can use non ECC only and cannot use ECC ram or you can use either?
The Xeons can run either non-ECC or ECC memory (this comes in 2 flavors; Unregistered and Registered). non-ECC and Unregistered (aka UDIMM), can be mixed; it just all runs as non-ECC.

For the i7's, they can only run in non-ECC mode (can still mix UDIMM and non-ECC, and has been done by others IIRC). But be careful with this, as some UDIMM's (i.e. the early 4GB UDIMM sticks sold by OWC) didn't mix with anything (not even the OEM UDIMM's from Apple).

As per Registered (aka RDIMM = 8GB + capacity stick), it cannot be mixed with any other type, nor will it run on an i7 at all.

don't judge others to what they spend or why they do it.
There can be practical reasons for asking, such as trying to prevent someone from spending more funds on things than will benefit their stated usage (i.e. run a fast processor and lots of memory, but the software applications are bottlenecking on disk I/O that's not been addressed sufficiently).

I guess the way it's worded could help, such as stating there's a cost/benefit concern within the question.

Just a though anyway... ;)
Awesome nanofrog this what the more indepth total overall answer I was looking for! by the way people are welcome to ask or wonder what it is for or even say if it's alot for them it's fine it's mainly aslong as it's friendly, non offensive and respectful. I don't have a problem with opinions this is what a forum is for and everyone normally is very respectful so we have no worries. One more main thing!


what brands and type would you recommend with doing the SP 6 core i7 990x upgrade? for the non ecc type? i was thinking crucial maybe 4x4 gb set to get to 16? also it would support 24gb correct? and if so where do i fine 2x8gb sticks and match paired while being non ecc? oh and also which flavor unreg or reg? I prefer Vanilla myself lol

oh and as far as hard drives I'm good no bottle necking ( not that you asked just stating incase it makes any difference)
I have 2x 240gb owc mercury pro hard drives in raid 0 for about 500gb ssd and i get around 350 read speed on it so good there.
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what brands and type would you recommend with doing the SP 6 core i7 990x upgrade? for the non ecc type? i was thinking crucial maybe 4x4 gb set to get to 16? also it would support 24gb correct? and if so where do i fine 2x8gb sticks and match paired while being non ecc? oh and also which flavor unreg or reg? I prefer Vanilla myself lol

Well, unfortunately with the i7, you're limited to 16GB. The 8GB modules are all RDIMMs that will not work with an i7, and there are only 4 memory slots. As far as brands go, I'm with the school that it doesn't much matter as long as it's a real brand and has a good warranty. For the most part it's the same stuff. I personally have crucial and it works great. Assuming you're in the US, check out, they have some of the better deals out there and are a reputable site.
yea i go to newegg all the time my question was saying its hard to find non ecc 4x4 newegg got some? and does it matter reg or unreg? and good point about 24gb i totally forgot about the rdimm 8gb sticks! so the xeon would work with 24 gb for cpu support and technically 32 normally? I thank you again for all your help it has and will save me tons of pain staking time!

oh and i heard neweggs return policy is absorbed when warranty on ram.

what about this one Intel Xeon W3680 Westmere-EP 3.33GHz 6 core or 3690 3.46ghz 6 core?? will that allow me ecc and 8gb sticks and work for upgrading the cpu and just popping it in without and backplane etc? let me know I'm ready to go for it!
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yea i go to newegg all the time my question was saying its hard to find non ecc 4x4 newegg got some? and does it matter reg or unreg? and good point about 24gb i totally forgot about the rdimm 8gb sticks! so the xeon would work with 24 gb for cpu support and technically 32 normally? I thank you again for all your help it has and will save me tons of pain staking time!

4 of these ought to do the trick.

I believe all non ECC is unregistered as well. The Xeon would support 32GB as 4x8
Theoretically the Intel 5520 chipset of the Mac Pro supports:

48GB with 1333MHz RAM
96GB with 1066MHz RAM
144GB with 800MHz RAM
what about this one Intel Xeon W3680 Westmere-EP 3.33GHz 6 core or 3690 3.46ghz 6 core?? will that allow me ecc and 8gb sticks and work for upgrading the cpu and just popping it in without and backplane etc? let me know I'm ready to go for it!

by the way what about overclocking it on the mac pro? is it possible and if so whats a steady overclock speed around 4ghz? and what would you suggest for cooling of course this is on the 2010 mac pro.
what about this one Intel Xeon W3680 Westmere-EP 3.33GHz 6 core or 3690 3.46ghz 6 core?? will that allow me ecc and 8gb sticks and work for upgrading the cpu and just popping it in without and backplane etc? let me know I'm ready to go for it!

by the way what about overclocking it on the mac pro? is it possible and if so whats a steady overclock speed around 4ghz? and what would you suggest for cooling of course this is on the 2010 mac pro.

Yes, those chips are drop in replacements

You can't OC a 2010 Mac Pro
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