Due to EFI firmware limitations one has to have an Intel Xeon chip
Not entirely true.
It's possible to run i7's in the SP systems (can't do any of the B1 stepped parts in 2009's, but is possible with 2010's = why the SP Hex core parts work).
For DP systems, Xeon's are required due to the necessitation of the second QPI channel (chipset cannot disable one of the QPI links, which is why it must be a Xeon, even though one processor may be used).
Sorry, last year people were reporting sleep problems with i7s
To me, that's not the end of the world (they still work otherwise).
It may also be moot now, due to newer updates in OS X (don't recall any testing with more recent forms of 10.6 since those reports).
thanks for that clarity! so I could put the 980 or 990x. one other question is it much harder to put dual 6 hex cores or whether it be two 990x or two Xeon 3.2 or any of those? then it is the normal CPU upgrade that was done on here? I really would like to put dual hexa cores (990x or Xeon 3.46 o r3.2) in it. I realize you lose ECC support but it's not a deal buster. let me know thanks!
With the SP daughterboard, it's easy. Drop the new processor in.
But to convert it to a DP system, it's more involved (need to replace the daughter board, and IIRC, the backplane board as well <one with the PCIe slots on it> to get the updated SMC firmware <controls case fans and the like>, as it won't update with the new daughterboard). So this could cost you more than it's worth (= likely best to sell off the SP model, and get a DP system).
Oh one clarification when you say Free to use non ECC does this mean you can use non ECC only and cannot use ECC ram or you can use either?
The Xeons can run either non-ECC or ECC memory (this comes in 2 flavors; Unregistered and Registered). non-ECC and Unregistered (aka UDIMM), can be mixed; it just all runs as non-ECC.
For the i7's, they can only run in non-ECC mode (can still mix UDIMM and non-ECC, and has been done by others IIRC). But be careful with this, as some UDIMM's (i.e. the early 4GB UDIMM sticks sold by OWC) didn't mix with anything (not even the OEM UDIMM's from Apple).
As per Registered (aka RDIMM = 8GB + capacity stick), it cannot be mixed with any other type, nor will it run on an i7 at all.
don't judge others to what they spend or why they do it.
There can be practical reasons for asking, such as trying to prevent someone from spending more funds on things than will benefit their stated usage (i.e. run a fast processor and lots of memory, but the software applications are bottlenecking on disk I/O that's not been addressed sufficiently).
I guess the way it's worded could help, such as stating there's a cost/benefit concern within the question.
Just a though anyway...