My wife's MacPro was running just fine until our power went out yesterday. After the power came back, A strange problem appeared. The machine powers up, gets through the logo screen, gets through the login, gets to the desktop, but then suddenly the screen goes black. The screen is actually on, i.e. it's illuminated but the pixels are black. The CPU is also on- I can play MP3's by pusing the play button on the keyboard. I just... can't see anything.
I've tried the following:
Restoring from the Time Machine backup worked this morning, and I though the weird problem was solved. YES! But no, the computer is suddenly going black again, after approx. 8 hours of working completely fine.
I'm now here at the mighty MacRumors forums, crossing my fingers that someone knows what's going on! I'm down to try anything- please help. Thank you!
I've tried the following:
- Zapping the PRAM
- Resetting the SMU
- Calling Applecare three times with no real solution, other than take it to an Applestore, which we don't have in the country we're living in
- Going into recovery mode and reinstalling Lion
- Going into recovery mode and restoring from a Time Machine backup
Restoring from the Time Machine backup worked this morning, and I though the weird problem was solved. YES! But no, the computer is suddenly going black again, after approx. 8 hours of working completely fine.
I'm now here at the mighty MacRumors forums, crossing my fingers that someone knows what's going on! I'm down to try anything- please help. Thank you!