I don't get it. All I did was pay and click upgrade. SO are you saying I need a separate partition (on my SSD) and then pay again and download again. Please speak English and not techno.
I don't get it. All I did was pay and click upgrade. SO are you saying I need a separate partition (on my SSD) and then pay again and download again. Please speak English and not techno.
Heads up, the Golden Master is the same 11A511 release, and when you download it, you have the Installer App and it you can keep it after you install it. I am not promoting any sort of OSX-piracy, but if you legally own (paid) for Lion, you should be able to grab a GM copy elsewhere (online) and then put the Installer App (3.74GB) on a DVD for backup purposes. Just saying.
No, you already have a separate partition. Lion made it for you without asking. Reboot while holding down the option key and you can see it.
There isn't much of a reason you need the Lion installer after Lion is installed. If your system dies, you can't really boot up to run the Lion installer anyway, just as much as you couldn't run any other program.
You don't need to pay to download again. If you ever need to, you can download it again from a machine without Lion for free.
In the App Store there is a purchased tab. You can use it to download anything you have bought on the app store on another machine at any time.
Heads up, the Golden Master is the same 11A511 release, and when you download it, you have the Installer App and it you can keep it after you install it. I am not promoting any sort of OSX-piracy, but if you legally own (paid) for Lion, you should be able to grab a GM copy elsewhere (online) and then put the Installer App (3.74GB) on a DVD for backup purposes. Just saying.
(You can also option click the "Installed" button in the app store, and it will download it again. I haven't tried it, but that's what I've heard. No reason to grab a copy "elsewhere.")
But where does it download to. I just started a download but have no idea where the file is going. Is there a way to choose a folder to download the file into? Thanks.
It downloads to your applications folder... But once you have it installed, you really don't need to download the installer again.