Original poster
Well I need a desktop. My iBook is nice for when I am just doing some surfing of the net, email, typing and simple other tasks, but aside from that it lacks power and just doesn't cut it. So i am looking for a desktop. MacMini is out of the question cause i need to have at least 160gb hdd internal and would prefer 250gb, it also doesn't support the option of dual monitors. I need something powerful enough for multitasking.
usually will include doing this at once:
- playing music
- web, email, msn
- media editting
- just imovie sort of video editting
or - some photo editting
or - uploading photos and movies taken
- word processing or ppt
basically lots of school stuff and some hobbies but i want to get something that will be decent and i won't get frustrated with in a year. The MacPro seems like overkill but i haven't used an imac or macpro so i don't really know
Any advice would be good (i've considered just getting a good notebook too... and an external hdd and 120gb internal ....a notebook such as 2ghz macbook?? would this be a better idea or should i just get a desktop... i don't really need my notebook to be powerful if my desktop is good )
usually will include doing this at once:
- playing music
- web, email, msn
- media editting
- just imovie sort of video editting
or - some photo editting
or - uploading photos and movies taken
- word processing or ppt
basically lots of school stuff and some hobbies but i want to get something that will be decent and i won't get frustrated with in a year. The MacPro seems like overkill but i haven't used an imac or macpro so i don't really know
Any advice would be good (i've considered just getting a good notebook too... and an external hdd and 120gb internal ....a notebook such as 2ghz macbook?? would this be a better idea or should i just get a desktop... i don't really need my notebook to be powerful if my desktop is good )