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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 31, 2011
Northern Virginia
You have a requirement for 100 posts before a reply can be posted on certain threads (a really absurd requirement, IMHO) - and yet, you merge my replies when I'm actively engaged in a thread and that cuts down on my message count.

Thats not fair or helpful.

EDIT: This probably should be in the "Site and Forum Feedback" section, not here. I apologize for missing that one. Moderator(s) - can you please move this thread? Thanks.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2006
Atlanta, GA
You have a requirement for 100 posts before a reply can be posted on certain threads (a really absurd requirement, IMHO) - and yet, you merge my replies when I'm actively engaged in a thread and that cuts down on my message count.

Thats not fair or helpful.

If you've made two posts to a thread close enough together that they are merged, why is it not fair? Otherwise, why not just make a different post for each sentence to up your post count?


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2015
Messages only get merged if they're posted consecutively by the same account without responses in between, right? If so, that's how it, in my opinion, should be. But I'm just speaking for myself, not a mod or anything like that so bear that in mind.

There's really nothing to be gained by just posting messages for the sole purpose of inflating you post count. There are worthwhile subjects to discuss and at the same time, amass the needed amount of messages.

The PRSI subforum (I think) has a sticky about why the 100 message requirement is in place, take a look there.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
You have a requirement for 100 posts before a reply can be posted on certain threads (a really absurd requirement, IMHO) - and yet, you merge my replies when I'm actively engaged in a thread and that cuts down on my message count.

Thats not fair or helpful.

EDIT: This probably should be in the "Site and Forum Feedback" section, not here. I apologize for missing that one. Moderator(s) - can you please move this thread? Thanks.

The merge feature only cuts in when you make two consecutive posts to a thread which nobody else has replied to in the past hour since your post.

In other words, if you make two consecutive posts in the same thread - and nobody else has contributed to the thread in the hour - all of sixty minutes - since you posted, and you decide to post again, it will register as a separate post.

So, in summary, if your posts are merged, it is because 1) nobody else has contributed since you last posted (irrespective of time limit), and 2) you, yourself submit another post less than an hour since your previous post was posted.


macrumors G3
Aug 19, 2008
The Anthropocene
You have a requirement for 100 posts before a reply can be posted on certain threads (a really absurd requirement, IMHO) - and yet, you merge my replies when I'm actively engaged in a thread and that cuts down on my message count.

Thats not fair or helpful.

EDIT: This probably should be in the "Site and Forum Feedback" section, not here. I apologize for missing that one. Moderator(s) - can you please move this thread? Thanks.

Nothing to see here, working as intended.


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
You have a requirement for 100 posts before a reply can be posted on certain threads (a really absurd requirement, IMHO) - and yet, you merge my replies when I'm actively engaged in a thread and that cuts down on my message count.

Thats not fair or helpful.

EDIT: This probably should be in the "Site and Forum Feedback" section, not here. I apologize for missing that one. Moderator(s) - can you please move this thread? Thanks.
It seems both fair and equal to me, in fact.
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macrumors G3
May 3, 2014
The auto-merge thing is a function of the forum software. I'm a member of another forum (which also used vBullletin and then migrated to Xenforo-just like MR) where they have allowed users to opt out of the auto-merge feature. I do it, but that's because of policies like a limit of 5 photos per post (even if done externally) and I sometimes write up how-tos or research threads that involve a LOT more photos than that.

In any case, I am a moderator on another forum (still on vBulletin) where one has to have I think 250 posts to use the buy/sell fora (MR has a similar policy, but also includes length of membership). Since that policy was put in place, we've had to create rules on "speed posting"-or in other words posting a bunch to up your count. Some folks might perceive making multiple posts in a short time frame to the same thread as being such a thing.
Last edited by a moderator:


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 31, 2011
Northern Virginia
To all who replied:

1) Thanks for explaining how the merge feature works. I didn't realize that was how it worked. It's helpful to know.

2) Just in case it wasn't clear (and I think it was), my objection was not with regards to the merge feature, per se. It was more with regards to how it impacted message count. If the forum software is smart enough to merge my individual replies, then it should also be smart enough (IMO) to count each as an individual reply, regardless of whether or not it is merged. Perhaps that's not programmed into the vBulletin software - and there wouldn't be anything that MacRumors could do about it. Or perhaps its a preference and they could do something about it?

3) And in closing, just because the message count policy is a feature of some (perhaps even many) forums, does not make it a good policy. As I mentioned before, I think its kind of an absurd policy. Why not base the policy on tenure - or on a combination of tenure and post count? For example, for those with less than one year tenure, enforce a message count policy - for those with more than a one year tenure, enforce it differently - for those with a greater than five year tenure, enforce it differently yet again. It seems to me the purpose of such a policy is to ensure someone doesn't join the forum simply to troll the politics section. I've been a member for years - does that seem as if I joined to troll the politics forum?

Repeating my first point - I do appreciate those who took the time to explain how the merge feature works. Thanks!


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
To all who replied:

1) Thanks for explaining how the merge feature works. I didn't realize that was how it worked. It's helpful to know.

2) Just in case it wasn't clear (and I think it was), my objection was not with regards to the merge feature, per se. It was more with regards to how it impacted message count. If the forum software is smart enough to merge my individual replies, then it should also be smart enough (IMO) to count each as an individual reply, regardless of whether or not it is merged. Perhaps that's not programmed into the vBulletin software - and there wouldn't be anything that MacRumors could do about it. Or perhaps its a preference and they could do something about it?

3) And in closing, just because the message count policy is a feature of some (perhaps even many) forums, does not make it a good policy. As I mentioned before, I think its kind of an absurd policy. Why not base the policy on tenure - or on a combination of tenure and post count? For example, for those with less than one year tenure, enforce a message count policy - for those with more than a one year tenure, enforce it differently - for those with a greater than five year tenure, enforce it differently yet again. It seems to me the purpose of such a policy is to ensure someone doesn't join the forum simply to troll the politics section. I've been a member for years - does that seem as if I joined to troll the politics forum?

Repeating my first point - I do appreciate those who took the time to explain how the merge feature works. Thanks!

Since the message count limitations only affect 2 forums: the cesspit (PRSI) and the marketplace, I'm really not seeing just what the issue here is. Everyone of us here with 250+ posts has gone through these 'limitations' and made it through just fine out the other side. Really feels like a total non-issue to me.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2017
United States
It’s really not hard to up your post count, even without spamming. Just use the new posts/threads tab and look for something that interests you.


macrumors G3
Aug 19, 2008
The Anthropocene
To all who replied:

1) Thanks for explaining how the merge feature works. I didn't realize that was how it worked. It's helpful to know.

2) Just in case it wasn't clear (and I think it was), my objection was not with regards to the merge feature, per se. It was more with regards to how it impacted message count. If the forum software is smart enough to merge my individual replies, then it should also be smart enough (IMO) to count each as an individual reply, regardless of whether or not it is merged. Perhaps that's not programmed into the vBulletin software - and there wouldn't be anything that MacRumors could do about it. Or perhaps its a preference and they could do something about it?

3) And in closing, just because the message count policy is a feature of some (perhaps even many) forums, does not make it a good policy. As I mentioned before, I think its kind of an absurd policy. Why not base the policy on tenure - or on a combination of tenure and post count? For example, for those with less than one year tenure, enforce a message count policy - for those with more than a one year tenure, enforce it differently - for those with a greater than five year tenure, enforce it differently yet again. It seems to me the purpose of such a policy is to ensure someone doesn't join the forum simply to troll the politics section. I've been a member for years - does that seem as if I joined to troll the politics forum?

Repeating my first point - I do appreciate those who took the time to explain how the merge feature works. Thanks!
Focus on contributing, not on your post count. If you contribute, I’ll pass quickly.


Dec 14, 2013
Since when did post count define value? That's a really odd metric to use.
It keeps people from just hitting and running. Especially in places like PRSI, I can easily see people just going there to troll or spam. They'll be less likely to do so after staying around a while because they've taken the time to participate.

As for avatars, I do think it would be okay to only allow a custom one after a few posts. That can be an easy way to identify a new person or new account.
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