It's official! We no longer can state the obvious without remaining under the predetermined iPad bashing quota, and we have easily met that quota. Of course there is an unlimited number of professor positive threads that can flourish.
You think this site is run by just anyone? Think again. Criticism is being censored...oh how the forefathers would be proud. First amendment is allowed as long as it's what we want to "let" you say.
The iPad deserves criticism, and in most cases we've been fair and mature enough to back those criticisms with constructive solutions. Not good enough for MacRumors. Nope, our threads are locked and shunned. Personal attacks on patrons who criticize the product are allowed, while even the tamest retort is banned for days. HILARIOUS and PATHETIC.
Be ashamed as you hit the lock and ban button on this thread.
You think this site is run by just anyone? Think again. Criticism is being censored...oh how the forefathers would be proud. First amendment is allowed as long as it's what we want to "let" you say.
The iPad deserves criticism, and in most cases we've been fair and mature enough to back those criticisms with constructive solutions. Not good enough for MacRumors. Nope, our threads are locked and shunned. Personal attacks on patrons who criticize the product are allowed, while even the tamest retort is banned for days. HILARIOUS and PATHETIC.
Be ashamed as you hit the lock and ban button on this thread.