This morning (eastern time), Telegram was blocked in Russia. Tim Hardwick of MacRumors wrote an accurate article, explaining why Telegram was blocked and did not insert political bias, which is great for a tech website.
Meanwhile, he-who-shall-not-be-named from 9to5Mac wrote a hit piece which unnecessarily included information about how a massive online platform can sometimes contain pirated content. Surprise. This author has several times written misleading and untrue stories about Telegram. I suggest enabling your ad-block before clicking the link below as to not direct any revenue towards 9to5Mac.
I'm happy to have white-listed MacRumors from my ad-block and to have finally joined the forums for a site I have respected for so long!
Meanwhile, he-who-shall-not-be-named from 9to5Mac wrote a hit piece which unnecessarily included information about how a massive online platform can sometimes contain pirated content. Surprise. This author has several times written misleading and untrue stories about Telegram. I suggest enabling your ad-block before clicking the link below as to not direct any revenue towards 9to5Mac.
I'm happy to have white-listed MacRumors from my ad-block and to have finally joined the forums for a site I have respected for so long!