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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 9, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
No, before you shoot me down this isn't my opinion, running 2 Macs at home and convert whoever I can. No, this is just what I heard at work.

Guy in the desktop team next to me just took a call from a customer who couldn't access citrix. He tried RDC to them and couldn't and after several other things told them something was bust. The customer then told them they were on a Mac at which point he said Citrix don't support Macs as they are not business computers! :eek:

I piped up and said yeah they do and he shook his head and said "its not worth the hassle". The customer obviously argued as they transfered her to the team manager down the office.

I could then hear him tell the customer "Macs are not designed as business computers. They are designed for schools, children and people who want to listen to iPods and they won't support then as its a specialised skills because no one uses them!" :eek:

Couldn't beleive it. This is one of the worlds biggest IT companies saying this.

Guess thats why everyone ridicules me for being the only MacBoy in the office! Oh well, there loss.
I was having my internet hooked up as I just moved. So I didnt have my desktop set up, so I used my lappie to test the connection. I put the ethernet cable in while the cable guy was writing something on the invoice. So he comes to the lappie to test it and I awake it from sleep, and he screams "omg its one of those". He then proceeds to throw his hands up as if it was a dirty baby diaper signaling he wasnt going to touch it. I started laughing and I told him "its just a mac, it doesnt bite". He then proceeds to tell me this long story of being at some woman's house who has a mac and couldnt figure out how to get on the net and he claims it took her 2 hours plus a call to Apple to figure out how to get on the net.:rolleyes: ...which I didnt believe, but it could be possible. I showed him dude, go to the dock click the safari icon. He was like "oh" as he couldnt believe it took 2 seconds for us to get on the net. He goes Im used to the "big blue E, thats the real internet"........:eek:

I knew he had no clue about what he was talking about after that statement. Why is dude installing cable internet if he believes a browser is the internet?

People are dumb and so misinformed.
These kinds of stories really piss me off. I don't get why people are so ignorant when it comes to understanding the Mac. Everything their Windows computers do, a Mac can most likely do as well... and better too.
things like this are just frustrating to no end. why are people so close-minded? baffles me.
I love this. There are so many "big IT" companies that will suffer due to this attitude over the next 10 years. They've hooked their train 100% to Windows. Big mistake #1.
It cracks me up how ignorant people are as well. A while back there was a copy of PC Mag floating around the office with Vista vs Apple in it. They slagged the Mac of saying things like it sucks for bundled apps and you have to pay £50 for iLife, whereas Vista has Photo Viewer, Movie Maker. All the Mac had for bundled apps is Textedit and Quicktime!

No matter how hard I said how blatently incorrect that was they wouldn't have it. Got the "see MacBoy, you waste your cash on extra products when were getting it for free" :eek:

I always get a little dig in though when they are all talking about the latest spyware/adaware/malware/av doing the rounds.

"You have to run those?? Man I pity you, all that wasted time" is my dig in the ribs :D

Them.... "Yeah I spent most my Saturday rebuilding my peecee as it was running like a dog".:D

Rebuild?? Muwhahaha!
This is just so sad. My dad is the same way. He just doesn't look at Macs as equal to a Dell because his company buys Dells. I dig at him a little whenever he talks about spyware/adware and how many things they caught on his computer. I just say that I NEVER catch ANY of those things on my mac. Its almost like a badge of honor for some to compare how many viruses, spyware apps they caught on their computer. Such a waste of time. :rolleyes:
That attitude is so 1980s. If I ran into the person who made those comments, this is exactly what I'd be tempted to tell him.
Take heart. The revolution is coming, it's just very slow :D (Hmm, evolution more than revolution?)

One of my coworkers just bought a MacBook Pro, to my great surprise. I never expected he would be interested in a Mac, but he went for it. He had nothing but glowing praise in the lunch room the other day about how things Just Worked (tm). He said the fit and finish was better than anything else that was out there. But, he said, you did pay through the nose for it.

Whether that's true or not is debatable, but the fact is that the MBP is a $2000 laptop when Dell is advertising their $599 specials everywhere. Of course you don't get the same machine but the sticker price is what matters to people.

I am pleased, however, that he said he was able to use the Mac and rdesktop to telecommute into our work systems, something which I always thought I would have to use a PC for.
notjustjay said:
I am pleased, however, that he said he was able to use the Mac and rdesktop to telecommute into our work systems, something which I always thought I would have to use a PC for.
On that note, have you got a link to a working OSX binary of rdesktop? That is if you mean the open source one.
I think it's a good thing most businesses don't use macs. Have you ever seen someone open up IE and there are dozens of "helper" bars installed on there? SearchBar, VerizonBar, SplamerBar, MyFirstAppBar, etc. I've never been prouder to say that it Just Doesn't Work (tm) on macs.
What's even funnier is the fact that businesses who use Dell computers you cant return them if for example you ordered the wrong one... like my dad:p we already had my iMac G5 but we needed a PC for some program that definitely won work on mac (and not for a long time because i reckon about 500 people in the whole of the UK use it at tops)... so we had to get this Dell and it sucked majorly so we tried to send it back but no its a business computer!!! what a load of bull!!! what kind of business doesnt haev a returns policy???

p.s. when the "Dull" dies im going to make dad get a mini and run bootcamp :D
dynamicv said:
I love this. There are so many "big IT" companies that will suffer due to this attitude over the next 10 years. They've hooked their train 100% to Windows. Big mistake #1.

Yep, they have. :(

But Apple is suffering from it. There still are so many prejudices like this against the Mac, that it stops many even considering the Mac in the office.

Most small businesses have some kind of IT-guy running their usually totally Microsoft based network (Win XP / Win 2k clients, Win 2k Servers, Exchange Server, Office 2k), and this guy usually loathes Macs... making sure the situation stays this way.
Getting a small business (say up to 50 clients) switch to the Mac is very, very hard work. Most of these companies only use their computers for email, Word, internet and some kind of database app. Even once they have seen a working Mac, with Office 2004, the same 4D client, no virusses (etc. etc.), they simply can't believe it'll work.... there must be a catch.... it must be very expensive.... it is only for grfx pro's.... or for those weirdo-types.... :rolleyes:

But... we are gaining.... like someone said.. it is an evolution.

And face it, evolutions last.. revolutions hardly ever. ;)
MacsRgr8 said:
Most small businesses have some kind of IT-guy running their usually totally Microsoft based network (Win XP / Win 2k clients, Win 2k Servers, Exchange Server, Office 2k), and this guy usually loathes Macs... making sure the situation stays this way.


In a few IT departments I have worked with Microsoft products are referred to by a different name:

Continuous employment.
patrick0brien said:

In a few IT departments I have worked with Microsoft products are referred to by a different name:

Continuous employment.
From what I've heard from some Network Admins, they can maintain 10x the Macs over Windows machines just because they don't go down. Most of them don't go back to Windows machines once they maintain an all Apple network because its that much easier.
patrick0brien said:

In a few IT departments I have worked with Microsoft products are referred to by a different name:

Continuous employment.
I get the same comment from my boss. (I'm an assistant IT. :p )

We do wish we lived in our fantasy world of Macs though. :(
p0intblank said:
These kinds of stories really piss me off. I don't get why people are so ignorant when it comes to understanding the Mac. Everything their Windows computers do, a Mac can most likely do as well... and better too.

except running games and being a 24/7 online pirate :cool:
technicolor said:
I was having my internet hooked up as I just moved. So I didnt have my desktop set up, so I used my lappie to test the connection. I put the ethernet cable in while the cable guy was writing something on the invoice. So he comes to the lappie to test it and I awake it from sleep, and he screams "omg its one of those". He then proceeds to throw his hands up as if it was a dirty baby diaper signaling he wasnt going to touch it. I started laughing and I told him "its just a mac, it doesnt bite". He then proceeds to tell me this long story of being at some woman's house who has a mac and couldnt figure out how to get on the net and he claims it took her 2 hours plus a call to Apple to figure out how to get on the net.:rolleyes: ...which I didnt believe, but it could be possible. I showed him dude, go to the dock click the safari icon. He was like "oh" as he couldnt believe it took 2 seconds for us to get on the net. He goes Im used to the "big blue E, thats the real internet"........:eek:

I knew he had no clue about what he was talking about after that statement. Why is dude installing cable internet if he believes a browser is the internet?

People are dumb and so misinformed.

Well, there are downsides. Our office pays about $5 more/month for our DSL line because Qwest offers MSN connection for their basic service which is incompatible with Linux and OSX (allegedly, though I've run from plenty of those networks). The REAL reason we agreed, since I was pretty sure we could run from that, was not wanting to be paying into MSN AND that I know we wouldn't get support if there were any problems...

But yeah, they have no clue. I'm using a wireless network from another office right now on my mac, and it works fine (it's an MSN connected machine).
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