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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2005
Is this safe? I see it appears on the SmallDog site, but is it adviseable to download this? I don't want any little bugs on my mac, "if ya know what I mean, Vern."


Macupdate is a better download site, it doesn't take hours to load all the java crap.
I just had an opportunity to use it, and it works extrordinarily well for such a simple program. It even supports MP4 files with AAC audio and h.264 video so you get that brand-new QT7 goodness in a very simple, free app. Deinterlaces, too.
Makosuke said:
I just had an opportunity to use it, and it works extrordinarily well for such a simple program. It even supports MP4 files with AAC audio and h.264 video so you get that brand-new QT7 goodness in a very simple, free app. Deinterlaces, too.

Uh... what? Are you talking about Handbrake? Last I checked MTR didn't do any of that.
crazyhorse634 said:
Is this safe? I see it appears on the SmallDog site, but is it adviseable to download this? I don't want any little bugs on my mac, "if ya know what I mean, Vern."


I don't know about "bugs" but it definitely creates a hidden folder of all the movies you've ripped.

For Paranoids
I use MTR several times a week - love it. Sure it costs a bit but it's worth it. It does it job very well every time.
aricher said:
I use MTR several times a week - love it. Sure it costs a bit but it's worth it. It does it job very well every time.

I'm so everyone talking about the same piece of software in this thread? MacTheRipper is freeware -- it doesn't cost *anything*. ;)

And I'm confused why anyone would think it would have spyware in it. :confused: :confused: Yes, dvdcss leaves behind a folder with info on the discs it ripped, but that's hardly spyware. If you're using it for legitimate purposes, it's just there to help you by remembering disc-by-disc settings, AFAIK.

And... as WRC Fan said, last time I used it, and from what I can see from the website, it doesn't have any of the features Makosuke described. It just removes CSS and region locks and rips the Video_TS and related folders.

I'm so confused though now.
mkrishnan said:
I'm so confused though now.

Me too... me too... really, I haven't seen the name of any other software mentioned, but all these weird features are being mentioned. That .dvdcss folder sounds like a bad thing if the MPAA ever gets your name and the goverment looks at your computer... but will they really know to look for it anyway? They'll probably be like, "Uh oh, it's a Mac. How do it turn the gosh-darn thing on?"
It works excellent!
Only thing is with ARccOS encryption, it keeps giving you "bad sector" error message. But it does work after a brief pause in the beginning of the movie.
MTR has been around a long time and has a long history. It's also the number one download on VersionTracker, so many people are using it. It is very safe.
Originally Posted by aricher
I use MTR several times a week - love it. Sure it costs a bit but it's worth it. It does it job very well every time.

I'm so everyone talking about the same piece of software in this thread? MacTheRipper is freeware -- it doesn't cost *anything*.

The new version 3.0 can only be downloaded if you make a "donation" as this is how future updates will be handled :cool: 2.6.6 is still free.
That's the site and has info/forums
It really is as good as people around here are saying. I just started using it beginning of the summer. I don't know how I lived without it.
hkala said:
is this ap any different or better than DVDBackup?

Much different and much better. You can rip strictly the movie off a DL DVD, so it eliminates the step of having to use DVD2One or Toast 7 and a slew of other things that DVDBackup can't do. MactheRipper's UI is much cleaner and easier also.
hkala said:
is this ap any different or better than DVDBackup?
It has much more options than DVDBackup. You can rip only the movie, not the extras, or only certain chapters etc. Also you can rip DVDs from different Regions without having to change your drive setting (I don't think you can do this DVDBackup as it needs to scan the disc to get the decryption codes). MTR backs up the full disc while DVDBackup only does the Video_TS folder, so you may miss out on DVD extras using Backup. MTR also can rip some of the ARccOS discs whereas DVDBackup doesn't, but probably the most important difference is that DVDBackup does not work (well not completely) with Tiger (eg it extracts only parts of the disc). So yeah I'd have to say it's better than DVDBackup.
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