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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
So I have a job coming up next week doing team and individual portraits for my old high school's ice hockey team. As one of my options, I am offering a magazine cover for sale. These will be posed individual shots that I am using, the picture on there was just for reference to see how everything looked with a person included. So, let me know what you guys/gals think.



macrumors 68020
Sep 4, 2005
I'm creating my own magazine for my art project, so we're pretty much in the same boat.

I dont like the italic-font used, or the shadow under the ''2006/07 Preview''.

The top of the picture behind the title looks a little too blurred, but maybe if it wasn't, the text wouldn't be visible enough.

Try changing font colours for the cover, and fonts. Something cleaner, and less drawing on the eyes.

PS: How did you make this, using what program? If it was InDesign, how did you get the model for your photo to appear over the top of the title, whilst keeping the background on the bottom behind everything else?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
I should note that the font colors will change with the team colors.

I did all of this in photoshop. i think i have about 30 layers or so.

I put the picture as my bottom layer, used the magnetic lasso to select the kid's head and shoulders, estimating how low I had to go, copied and pasted that above the title. Then I used the blur tool on the edges of his head where it overlapped the title to smooth out the transition.

As for the picture, the blurry background is there because it was shot at f/2.8


macrumors regular
Aug 7, 2006
Washington, DC
jlcharles said:
I put the picture as my bottom layer, used the magnetic lasso to select the kid's head and shoulders, estimating how low I had to go, copied and pasted that above the title. Then I used the blur tool on the edges of his head where it overlapped the title to smooth out the transition.

If you feather your selection when using the lasso, it'll help smooth the selection reducing the need to blur. However, the technique I prefer to achieve the same effect uses layer masks:


As for comments, I'm with JDT regarding the drop shadows on the 2006-7 Preview. And I'd go with a different font for the player's name, that one just doesn't work for me. Those two minor quibbles aside, looks good.


macrumors 603
Jan 10, 2006
A few points from a personal point of view:

I would drop the strokes from around the copy. Possibly keep it on the masthead (logo).

Drop shadows just add more clutter to the layout. Try and make the image background lighter so you get a better contrast with the text so you dont need a drop shadow. I can see why you have done it though.

Possibly use a different typeface for the text and possibly the masthead. It just seems like there is 'too much going on'. A more simpler typeface will look good without detracting from the image which is the main focal point.

Heres two of mine:




macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
I'll have to give your technique a whirl tonight. I'll kill the drop shadows on the date too.

If you have any suggestions for the name font, I'm willing to listen.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
stuartluff said:
A few points from a personal point of view:

I would drop the strokes from around the copy. Possibly keep it on the masthead (logo).

What do you mean by the copy?

stuartluff said:
Possibly use a different typeface for the text and possibly the masthead. It just seems like there is 'too much going on'. A more simpler typeface will look good without detracting from the image which is the main focal point.

I think I'm pretty set on the font for the logo, but I'm open to suggestions for the rest of the stuff on the page.


macrumors 603
Jan 10, 2006
jlcharles said:
What do you mean by the copy?

By copy i mean the various headings etc (not the main logo) which is called a Masthead in the mag world.

'Copy' is short for 'bodycopy' which actually refers to the 'main body' of text. I.e. if you had a feature about New York the 'bodycopy' would be the text that makes up the majority of the article. But not the headings and subheadings. :)

In my previous post I used 'copy' to refer to the headings and subheadings. Which is wrong. I was just lazy :D


macrumors regular
Aug 7, 2006
Washington, DC
How much of a feather would you suggest?

It's gonna depend on how tight your selection is and the resolution of the image. But somewhere between 2 and 6 pixels would be a good place to start. Another thing to try while doing this is to shrink your selection to avoid a halo effect.
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