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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 15, 2006

Last summer, I bought an iPhone in Spain, so it was locked for Movistar. I took this iPhone with me when I went to Italy for 2 months. I used yellowsn0w and an Italian sim card from TIM.

TIM does sell the iPhone in Italy so they have a nice iPhone data plan. But I used my yellowsn0wed iPhone. I decided to keep the TIM sim card for whenever I would travel around the European Union, because roaming data isn't that expensive (1 euro daily for 30mb - Movistar charges 10 euro a day for 10 mb).

The thing is that today I got a replacement iPhone from Apple. This new iphone came with 2.2.1 and baseband 2.30.03 already installed.

But I installed yellosn0w anyway to give it a try ( I know.. stupid ).

So I installed yellowsn0w, rebooted, inserted my italian sim card, and expectedly enough, the iPhone asked to be connected to iTunes.

I did, and the message disappeared.. AND I GOT SIGNAL FROM THIS SIM CARD.

Yes, my iPhone locked to Movistar worked with my italian sim card.

Now I can swap Movistar or TIM anytime without being asked to connect to the computer.

BUT I tried a different sim card (some other spanish operators) and I got the same "connect to itunes" message. But this time, iTunes refused to accept those sim cards as valid.

I also uninstalled yellowsn0w but TIM still works just like my iphones was unlocked.. but it's not really unlocked because it only works with Movistar and TIM.

I haven't tried other TIM sims because I only have one ;)

What do you guys make of this?
Will I lose this maginal unlock next time a firmware comes out or next time I restore my iphone?

It's puzzling because I have NO IDEA whatsoever what could be causing this!!
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