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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 18, 2003
Hi I was wondering if anybody out there can tell me how to add/edit my account information to the mail app so I can use my new sympatico email account? I've tried to look on the sypatico site, web and here, but to no avail. I do have the POP and STMP servers that I'm supposed to be using (found them by searching on the sites) but I'm not sure what other information goes where. :(

I'd appreciate the help.


Ok, it looks like nobody here could respond, but after going back and forth with sympatico tech support I've got it. It's not that complicated really... here's what you have to do

To set up the choose to create a POP account then:
1. Give the profile a Name in the 'Description' field.
2. Enter your <username> address in the 'Email Address' field
3. Enter your name in the 'Full Name' Field (I think this could be optional... you could enter Joey-joe-joe Shabadu, but it's what will appear in the from field when you send somebody a message.)
4. Look up your pop/STMP information
here and enter the POP address in the 'Incoming Mail Server' field
5. Enter your Bell User id (usually something like B1xxxx##) in the 'User Name' field
6. Enter your Bell password in the 'Password' field
7. Click on the 'Server Settings' button, and in the 'Outgoing Mail Server' field, put the SMTP address given by the bell link here and in step #4.
8. Select "None" in the drop down list for Authentication. The Port should be set to 25 automaticaly.
9. Click the Ok button, and save the profie and you should be done!

Raid :)
i think by calling it a "sympatico" account, probably scared people away. i am from toronto, so i know what bell sympatico is... but if i was from anywhere else, like the US or Europe, would i really know what a "sympatico account" is?
Well I was hoping some Canadian members would be able to help me out. Since I got the problem fixed, I decided to post what I know to help others out who might have the same problem. :)
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