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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 30, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Hey guys,

Has anyone else has this problem: My Mail app isn't updating the date and time at the bottom of my screen. (In between, the refresh button on the left and the new draft button on the right) Not sure how to fix it...

Thanks in advance!
I don't have a date and time at the bottom of the screen on my iPhone. Did you mean to put this post under iPhone?
he/she means the latest date and time that email messages updated.

@OP, i don't have this problem on mine (iphone 4, 4.2.1)
Have you tried to turn the phone off and on again?

I had an issue with the date not changing on the lock screen, but a simple power down and up fixed it.
yeah, i meant latest date and time that email messages updated in the mail app. actually, this problem somehow self-corrected. it's not properly updating the time and date. but yes, i did try turning off the phone, rebooting mail, and keeping my iphone updated but for months nothing seemed to work. not sure what happened by all's better now. thanks guys!
Did you ever figure out the problem? Mine seemed to self-correct randomly or it could have been part of an update I'm really not sure. All I know is that I always keep my phone and apps up to date but that had no effect for months. I'm just glad it's finally working again. Hopefully you've been able to get yours resolved!
Mine was linked to an expired (inactive) MobileMe account. I had to turn it off and didn't realize that it was connected. Once I reactivated my account it worked. The weird thing was that I had deactivated the account on my phone also. So, it shouldn't have affected my time/date, but it did.
Have same problem with iPhone6

iPhone 6 with Version 8.2 (also had prior to 8.2) always shows "Updated on 12/31/14" at the bottom of the mail screen. Looking for suggestions to fix this. I have turned it off and on many times since it started.
I don't have the time at the bottom.. Mine is up-top.

The actual time is at the top but when you are in the Mail app it tells you at the bottom when your email was last refreshed. It will read "Updated on mm/dd/yy and the time", or sometimes "just Now". Mine always says "Updated on 12/31/14".
The actual time is at the top but when you are in the Mail app it tells you at the bottom when your email was last refreshed. It will read "Updated on mm/dd/yy and the time", or sometimes "just Now". Mine always says "Updated on 12/31/14".

Mine only says "just now"
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