Mail crashing under Tiger 10.4.11
Since yesterday Mail crashes as soon as I try to compose a new message or to reply to an existing one. I can read messages fine, but I can't write new mail.
I backed up and trashed the Mail folder, as well as the preferences file. After restarting, the new, empty mail app still crashes when trying to create a new message.
I tried to repair disk permissions.
Repairing permissions for Sys-Intel
Determining correct file permissions.
Group differs on ./Private, should be 80, group is 0
Permissions differ on ./Private, should be drwxrwxr-x , they are drwxr-xr-x
Owner and group corrected on ./Private
Permissions corrected on ./Private
Permissions differ on ./Users/Shared, should be drwxrwxrwt , they are drwxrwxrwx
Owner and group corrected on ./Users/Shared
Permissions corrected on ./Users/Shared
Group differs on ./private, should be 0, group is 80
Permissions differ on ./private, should be drwxr-xr-x , they are drwxrwxr-x
Owner and group corrected on ./private
Permissions corrected on ./private
Permissions repair complete
The privileges have been verified or repaired on the selected volume
even after running it several times, the same errors about the private folder persist. Thus they did not get repaired.
Any idea, what I could try next.
Thanks, Hans