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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 12, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
Today I moved a folder in Mac OS X Mail to a different subfolder and when I clicked on the folder all my email messages within it had gone! There where zero emails to read!! I had over 100 before!!!!!

I moved the folder back to it's orginal position and still nothing.

Some one please help I need those email messages! :(
optijaz said:
Today I moved a folder in Mac OS X Mail to a different subfolder and when I clicked on the folder all my email messages within it had gone! There where zero emails to read!! I had over 100 before!!!!!

I moved the folder back to it's orginal position and still nothing.

Some one please help I need those email messages! :(

Check your deleted messages folder, I found some "misplaced" emails that Mail put there one time, all on its own
I wish it where that but it's not. I know my way around my mac, and I've looked at the .mbox files that store the messages and they are empty now too! I can't find it any where.

I think that when I moved the folder it made a new .mbox in the subfolder however it didn't copy the previous messages across and then deleted the orginal (not in to trash) so that when I moved it back it just moved back an empy .mbox file!

Does any one know if that's how mail works. Is there any hidden file/feature that will let me get back to the old emails?

I'll check my back up when I get home tonight. But I haven't backed up for a month or so, I just hope that they are on the back up and that the emails I want aren't prior to it.

That's just not good enough on Apple's behalf. How can they have such a flaw in the mail software!

(I knew something bad was going to happen to me, I've been running ultra smooth the last month or so. Apple go ahead and release this awesome Airport Express today, and I get stung with this!!! ) :eek:
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