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macrumors 6502
Original poster
I have a fourth Generation iPod Touch running IOS 6.1.6
In the last few weeks whenever I view an email sent to my .me account on any of my Macs or my iPad, all the other devices EXCEPT my iPod Touch see it as read. The iPod will finally recognise it as read, but about 24 hours later!
If I look at it on my iPod Touch, it is then finally seen as "read" by that device
As I say, this is new behaviour, no settings have been altered and everything looks the same settings-wise as on my iPad, the only difference being my iPad can & does run IOS 7

Any thoughts why this is happening?

Thanks in Advance
There have been sporadic reports of this happening to everyone for months. It has happened to me, then gone away eventually. I think the problem is on the server (ie, Apple's) end.
Thanks - that is in a way "comforting" to know :)

For you, for example, did it only happen on one device but not the rest?

I think I've only noticed it on my 5 and not my 5s but I'm not sure. I'm just trying to ignore the issue; I figure Apple will get it sorted eventually.
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