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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 3, 2012
Hi there,

I did a clean install of Mountain lion just last week on my iMac 27" (mid 2011). Since then, Ive recently noticed a rather odd issue regarding Mail in Mountain Lion.

When returning from sleep Mail seems to still be half asleep. When clicking the button to get new e-mails it seemingly does nothing and also wont make any familiar noise's or display notifications. It doesn't crash though, it just seems to be still asleep. What is required is for me to reboot the app where upon it will ping back into life and notifications and all normal alerts return.

Does anybody else have a similar problem or any ideas what it could be? Also while were on the subject of alerts and noise's etc, is there a way for me to change the notification centers alert sounds from the drab sounding basso effect to something else. I would of thought after changing the default system alert sound this would do the trick but notification centre totally ignores it and insists on staying the same.

Thanks and I hope someone here is able to shed a little light on this issue.
Hi there,

I did a clean install of Mountain lion just last week on my iMac 27" (mid 2011). Since then, Ive recently noticed a rather odd issue regarding Mail in Mountain Lion.

When returning from sleep Mail seems to still be half asleep. When clicking the button to get new e-mails it seemingly does nothing and also wont make any familiar noise's or display notifications. It doesn't crash though, it just seems to be still asleep. What is required is for me to reboot the app where upon it will ping back into life and notifications and all normal alerts return.

Does anybody else have a similar problem or any ideas what it could be? Also while were on the subject of alerts and noise's etc, is there a way for me to change the notification centers alert sounds from the drab sounding basso effect to something else. I would of thought after changing the default system alert sound this would do the trick but notification centre totally ignores it and insists on staying the same.

Thanks and I hope someone here is able to shed a little light on this issue.

I have the same issue since upgrading to ML on 2012 MBA. Can anyone help??
Hi there,

I did a clean install of Mountain lion just last week on my iMac 27" (mid 2011). Since then, Ive recently noticed a rather odd issue regarding Mail in Mountain Lion.

When returning from sleep Mail seems to still be half asleep. When clicking the button to get new e-mails it seemingly does nothing and also wont make any familiar noise's or display notifications. It doesn't crash though, it just seems to be still asleep. What is required is for me to reboot the app where upon it will ping back into life and notifications and all normal alerts return.

Does anybody else have a similar problem or any ideas what it could be? Also while were on the subject of alerts and noise's etc, is there a way for me to change the notification centers alert sounds from the drab sounding basso effect to something else. I would of thought after changing the default system alert sound this would do the trick but notification centre totally ignores it and insists on staying the same.

Thanks and I hope someone here is able to shed a little light on this issue.

Me too! Just registered to ask for the very same thing when I found this thread. Anybody know how to resolve this issue?
Here's maybe a partial answer: Re: alert sound. At least for the calendar alerts, you can select the alert sound when you create an entry. Under the "alerts" section, there are multiple pull down menus where you can say when to alert, how you want to be alerted and what sound to use.

Re: Mail - Yeah. There's absolutely NO indication that Mail is checking, at least not the little spinning icon. You can click the box with an arrow in it at the lower left corner to see what's going on, but if there's no incoming mail - there's no indication of activity. On my Mail, it will make a very soft (almost imperceptible) "grunt" sound when it's apparently done checking.

I sure wish they would add back the spinning icon.
I also noticed that the Spinning "activity" Animation beside the individual mail account as it is checking for mail, is no longer there.

Anyone notice this?

Yep noticed that too. Can't tell if mail if "working" or not
For me, Mail in general has sucked since "upgrading" to Mountain Lion. Emails are sometimes pushed and sometimes not. They rarely show up in Notification Center. When I click the refresh button in Mail it's like nothing is happening. Very disappointing so far.
Hopefully they'll bring out a fix on a future update. In regards to the OPs question though is everyone having these issues or just some of us??
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