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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 27, 2014
I noticed that the Apple Mail app on my MacPro 6,1 started to have problems in getting new mail automatically a few months ago. If I manually fetch the mail, it still won't work. But if I quit the Mail app and start it again, it would work fine for some time. Then the same problem occurs later on. I reboot my MacPro 6,1 weekly to try to keep the OSX running well.

Ironically, my 2019 MBP does not have this issue. The MP and MBP both run the latest MacOS. But the Mail problem is only with the older MacPro.

In another thread, I posted a similar problem that MacOS updates would mess up the Launchpad content on my older MacPro, but not on the new MBP. Anyone else experienced this type of issues?
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