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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 21, 2005
I have everyone's email from my address book go into a specific folder, but I have one problem. I own a website and I get like a hundred emails a day for the website. The email address for my website is in my address book, so all of the emails go into my address book folder and not my website folder. Is there any way to have all of my address book go to one folder EXCEPT this one address for my website?
I don't use the rules in Mail but I had a quick look through it and I think you could probably make a group in Address Book with all the addresses except the website one. It'd be a pain to update so maybe make a smart group which has all addresses bar the website one. I know you can do this in AB and it's relatively easy too. :)
Just make 2 separate rules:

#1- if ALL of the following are true
---sender email is in AB
---sender is NOT "website address"
then put in AB folder

#2 if sender is "website address"
then put in website folder

The previous poster's idea about making smart folder within AB and then making the mail rule refer to the groups in AB would probably work too.
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