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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 28, 2007
Searched the forum but didn't see a post that covered this so here goes:
I discovered this by accident so I wasn't able to recreate it. I called Apple but got an overseas rep who said it was not possible. After numerous pleas he transferred me over to a state side rep who didn't know about the feature but said he would try to find it on his iPad. Well, I recreated it myself while he was gone to play with his iPad so I thought I'd share my findings here:
To delete multiple emails in trash instead of selecting them one by one here's what you do. While in "trash" double click the edit button. Then the delete button changes to delete all. After you click on delete all a confirmation delete all button pops up and you then click on that. Ta Da! :D
thatisme said:
um... delete all is the only delete option I have in trash after single clicking or double clicking edit.

Yep, you're right. I rarely delete my mail, I just let mail pile up lol. It's not hidden after all.
Thanks AJ! Hated not having a visible Delete All function in mail so this is great.

You're welcome! Glad you found this tip useful :D
I always appreciate members taking the time and effort to post helpful tips.
Just Paying it Forward :)
Variety in font and size and colour doesnt work well on forums as we like to keep the whole page the same font for easy reading. Most forums dont like people doing this even though they give you the choice.
um... delete all is the only delete option I have in trash after single clicking or double clicking edit.

^^^^ This.

When I go into Trash and I click "Edit" once, "Delete All" is the FIRST option available.

When you start selecting single emails to delete within the Trash, it changes to the regular "Delete".

So.... you didn't actually discover a tip at all. Sorry dude......
No kidding. I'm amazed he even thinks he discovered something. You only have to hit "Edit" once, and then it changes the "Delete" to "Delete All."

I'm more surprised the people at Apple didn't know about it. Reminds me of the guy who posted a thread in here complaining that the iPad doesn't have a headphone jack and that he's spend ages searching the iPad for the jack.
I'm more surprised the people at Apple didn't know about it. Reminds me of the guy who posted a thread in here complaining that the iPad doesn't have a headphone jack and that he's spend ages searching the iPad for the jack.

It's not that Apple didn't know about it..... there was nothing there for them to know about. The OP was pointing them in the wrong direction with the confusing directions he provided.

Double-clicking the "Edit" button while in the Trash just brings you back out of editing those emails. It's like flipping a light switch on and then off again.

Yay fonts.....
^^^^ But there is no "problem". If you hit "Edit" once while you are in the Trash folder, it says "Delete All". You don't need to double tap or anything of the sort......:confused:

Not a "he", lady ;)
Didn't realize you were on my phone extension during that conversation :eek:

I'm everywhere, ma'am.

It was the "out of the U.S." rep who appeared to know little. The Apple rep here in the states actually did come back with a correct answer. I just found the solution myself while waiting. I have found Apple tech support to be very knowledgeable when calling for assistance. Problems I have encountered seem to occur when I get so someone outside of the U.S. My intent was not to give Apple support a black eye. :eek: I just wanted to help out anyone who had the same problem . . . Like so many forum posters have done for me :)

OK. Dude. Are you for real? You DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING OUT. You were, for lack of a better word, - WRONG.

What are you taking about? Who had what problem? :mad:
Oh so carefully removing that pesky bee from your finest Easter bonnet ;)

I think people here might take this thread in a better way if you were to atleast acknowledge that you were incorrect and hadn't actually discovered anything new at all. But whatever.
You're welcome! It's good to see there are nice people still here :)

There are plenty of nice people here. I'm nice.:)

I (and others) just don't like it when people can't admit they were wrong about something, and continue to take credit for nothing and continue to spread false info around........
If one finds out something they didn't know before it is a discovery for that person.
When one learns something new they sometimes like to share what they've learned.

Nothing more Nothing less
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