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Toxic Pear

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 15, 2021

I wish to move space from other partition than main file system to mac storage, the actual space is fysically same main drive (inbuilt drive of the mac), but it is currently second partition, any help ? computer is 2019 macmini.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2013
I think they are trying to change the size of the partitions, so one physical drive that has been partitioned but now needs to increase the size of one of the partitions.

Yes a screenshot is probably prudent to see in this case.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I think the OP has a partitioned drive and wants to resize the partitions.

It would help if you showed us a representation (screen shot from disk utility) of the partitions you're using now.

We also need to know WHICH VERSION of the OS you are using.

Also... you need to BACK UP EVERYTHING before you attempt this. If something goes wrong during the process, you can lose a lot of data.

Sometimes the easiest way to do this is to:
- create cloned backups of each partition to other drives (I recommend CarbonCopyCloner)
- boot from the cloned backup
- ERASE the ENTIRE internal drive
- RE-partition the internal drive
- Restore your data.

YES, this IS "a lot of work", but it is guaranteed to do the job.


macrumors member
Jul 10, 2021
I think the OP has a partitioned drive and wants to resize the partitions.

It would help if you showed us a representation (screen shot from disk utility) of the partitions you're using now.

We also need to know WHICH VERSION of the OS you are using.

Also... you need to BACK UP EVERYTHING before you attempt this. If something goes wrong during the process, you can lose a lot of data.

Sometimes the easiest way to do this is to:
- create cloned backups of each partition to other drives (I recommend CarbonCopyCloner)
- boot from the cloned backup
- ERASE the ENTIRE internal drive
- RE-partition the internal drive
- Restore your data.

YES, this IS "a lot of work", but it is guaranteed to do the job.
The idea was to know which version - so we know partition vs volume. Troubleshooting then is easy, like @Fishrrman suggested.

Toxic Pear

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 15, 2021
Thanks for all the replies.

I figured it out from Apple's inbuilt manual, lucky me so I can go on about my project waste

The answer is, this is in Finnish though:

Tallennuslaitteessa olevan osion suurentaminen​

Jos laitteella on useita osioita ja yhden tila on loppumassa, voit ehkä kasvattaa sitä menettämättä sillä olevia tiedostoja.
Jos haluat suurentaa taltiota, poista sen jälkeen tuleva taltio ja siirrä laajennettavan taltion loppukohta vapautuneeseen tilaan. Laitteen viimeistä taltiota ei voida suurentaa.
VAROITUS: Kun poistat taltion tai osion, kaikki sen tiedot poistetaan. Varmuuskopioi data ennen aloittamista.
  1. Valitse Macin Levytyökalu-ohjelman
    sivupalkista taltio ja klikkaa Osioi-painiketta
    Jos Levytyökalu ei ole avoinna, klikkaa Dockin Launchpad-kuvaketta
    , kirjoita hakukenttään Levytyökalu ja klikkaa Levytyökalu-kuvaketta
  2. Klikkaa Apple File Systemin tilanjako -valintaikkunassa Osioi.
  3. Valitse ympyräkaaviossa poistettava osio ja klikkaa sitten poistopainiketta
    Jos poistopainike on himmennettynä, et voi poistaa valittua osiota.
  4. Klikkaa Käytä.
  5. Lue Osioi levy -valintaikkunan tiedot ja klikkaa Osioi.
  6. Kun toiminto on suoritettu, klikkaa Valmis.


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Moderator Note: Thanks for sharing the instructions, but as per our forum rules, we ask that you use English in your posts. Thanks!

Google Translation:

Enlarging a partition on a storage device If your device has multiple partitions and one is running out of space, you may be able to grow it without losing the files on it. If you want to enlarge the volume, then delete the incoming volume and move the rest of the volume to be expanded to the free space. The last volume on the device cannot be enlarged.

CAUTION: When you delete a volume or partition, all of its data is deleted. Back up your data before you begin. Select the volume from the Mac Disk Utility.

If Disk Utility is not open, click the Dock Launchpad icon, type Disk Utility in the search box, and then click the Disk Utility icon.

In the Apple File System Space Sharing dialog box, click Partition. In the pie chart, select the section you want to delete, and then click the delete button.

If the delete button is dimmed, you cannot delete the selected partition. Click Apply. Read the information in the Partition Disk dialog box and click Partition. When done, click Finish.
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