I'm getting memory leaks in Safari - pretty bad ones. Not sure if it's El Capitan or Safari 9.
They're related to:
1. Pandora, which is of course Flash (I hate Flash, but I like my Pandora and don't want to switch to another service after all the time I spent getting my playlist where I want it) - Flash memory leaking to several gigabytes after about 20-30 minutes.
2. An incremental in browser game called Kittens Game. In the previous version it would grow the process to about 600MB and then stop. Now, it's...not stopping...
Annoyingly, everything else is taking way less memory.
Anyone got a workaround that isn't "Use another browser"?
They're related to:
1. Pandora, which is of course Flash (I hate Flash, but I like my Pandora and don't want to switch to another service after all the time I spent getting my playlist where I want it) - Flash memory leaking to several gigabytes after about 20-30 minutes.
2. An incremental in browser game called Kittens Game. In the previous version it would grow the process to about 600MB and then stop. Now, it's...not stopping...
Annoyingly, everything else is taking way less memory.
Anyone got a workaround that isn't "Use another browser"?