absolutely EXCITED!! for those of us who want a clean break from cable, this is god sent, so many boxes out there trying to kill cable, Roku, Boxee, AppleTV, etc...now to just be able to mirror your ipad to a tv wirelessly, you can get rid of all those boxes (except the appletv), you can run safari sites that have html 5 with no problems, youtube app would work, the mac mini running somewhere with EyeTV, will give you live tv, with DVR capablities...for media server junkies like me, this big...IOS had all the apps, now you can just stream them to the tv, and if you want to watch something else, you can rent a movie or tv show...you go Apple
First gen Ipad and iphone 4 should work as well
keep in mind this will only be a game changer if all the apps work with the mirroring of the ipad, if there are limitations, it will SUCK