Hello there, I recently have come across some strange storage issues on my phone. While it is hooked up to my iMac, in iTunes it states I have 5.97 GB of photos. I recently wiped all the pictures (1 week ago) off the phone to open up some space. But, the 5.97 GB is still there, and when I try to sync more music or apps, It states that the phone is still full.
Right below where it says 5.97 GB of photos in the summary tab, it says there are only 24 photos (photos taken since I wiped the rest). Obviously 24 photos could never amount to 6 GB of space.
I've erased all the pictures from the "deleted photos" section. As far as the Photos app on the iPhone is concerned, I only have 24 photos.
Anybody else run into this issue? I'm running the latest iTunes and iPhone software (iOS 8.1.1) on a 16 GB phone. Thanks for reading!
Right below where it says 5.97 GB of photos in the summary tab, it says there are only 24 photos (photos taken since I wiped the rest). Obviously 24 photos could never amount to 6 GB of space.
I've erased all the pictures from the "deleted photos" section. As far as the Photos app on the iPhone is concerned, I only have 24 photos.
Anybody else run into this issue? I'm running the latest iTunes and iPhone software (iOS 8.1.1) on a 16 GB phone. Thanks for reading!