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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 20, 2007

I used BossPrefs to make Cydia invisible, but also made BossPrefs itself invisible as well. Is there a way to roll back?

I was wondering what would you do if you made Bosspref's invisible.
What would make you make it invisible?
Well, if Cydia is also invisible then you might have a problem trying to install Poof. If you have SSH installed there should be a way to run BossPrefs through terminal from your computer, I remember reading about it a while ago. If not, then I think you've got to do a restore... maybe someone else can chime in.
You can open apps with SSH.

cd /Applications

Can't connect via ssh. remember having disabled it on bossprefs before both cydia and bossprefs going invisible.

is there any way around that? really want to open cydia without having to restore iphone and then jailbreak it...

Thanks in advance.
do u have 'Poof' already installed

if so open it and see if can make yr invisible apps visible again
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