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macrumors Pentium
Original poster
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
OK, so on our site, we have a Flash movie that one of our admins made. And some bastards from another site are hotlinking to it, leeching our bandwidth (not to mention stealing our content).

Normally, I'd just e-mail the webmater of that site and nicely tell them to go f themselves, but not a word of that site is in English (I think it's in Thai?) and I can't find anything that remotely looks like a contact link or e-mail address. So, I made a flash movie that said they're a bunch of *******s who steal bandwidth, renamed the file on our site to a different filename and updated our links to point to the new one, and uploaded my new file, so their site said that they were a bunch of *******s who steal bandwidth :D

But, they got clever and fixed the link. So now, I want to make a Flash file that automatically loads a website (I'm thinking something bad, like one of the shock sites, or maybe just our site, we can use the free advertising) the second the file loads, so anyone who goes to their site is immediately redirected. Perhaps this will lock the admins out of their site unless they figure out how to disable Flash. Looks like their site is hosted on a Thai version of MySpace or something like that, so if they have to go to their site to login, they can't :D Anyone know how to do this redirection? Thanks
you could just put your website address in the corner of the flash file couldnt you?, Just put a button in the corner saying your web address.

you could just put your website address in the corner of the flash file couldnt you?, Just put a button in the corner saying your web address.


I could, but I'd rather make him regret stealing our bandwidth that we pay for.
Simple.. create a new flash file.. leave the timeline just how it is with just one frame
click that frame and add this to the actionscript


all done :)
Simple.. create a new flash file.. leave the timeline just how it is with just one frame
click that frame and add this to the actionscript


all done :)

Pretty much that's how you would do it, just give it a few frames of buffering (flash can be buggy at times).

You could also take it to the next step and include some server side scripting so that it would only redirect to your site if it's detecting that the user is on their site. That's a bit more advanced, I know it's possible but I just don't have the exact coding on hand for ya. Try a google search. It will probably require some JavaScript or PHP, but I'm sure this would take some time to figure out.
Thanks for the help guys.

None of that worked though (well, it worked, but didn't stop the guy from hotlinking). So I just replaced our flash file with meatspin (don't ask, AND DO NOT GO THERE) and now they're no longer hotlinking to our stuff :D
You could also put that javascript in that disables "save as" and "save" commands into the html file that worked for my online portfolio.

I know exactly how you feel, when I finished uiniversity a few years ago I got a rude shock in a an interview when the interviewer told me that he already saw the same work I was showing them from another candidate. I did finally find out that the person was a student I went to university with, he was ripping off everyone else's work for his "own" portfolio and I wasn't the only person burnt by him either....

Some people are complete pricks.
You could also put that javascript in that disables "save as" and "save" commands into the html file that worked for my online portfolio.

I know exactly how you feel, when I finished uiniversity a few years ago I got a rude shock in a an interview when the interviewer told me that he already saw the same work I was showing them from another candidate. I did finally find out that the person was a student I went to university with, he was ripping off everyone else's work for his "own" portfolio and I wasn't the only person burnt by him either....

Some people are complete pricks.

There are so many ways around that Javascript...for one, you could just disable JS. Its pointless.

And yeah, stuff like that pisses me off to. In my web design class in college, we put all of our stuff online for everyone to see. The assignment was over PHP, and since I've known PHP for years and consider myself an expert, and this assignment was extremely stupid, basic, easy crap, I did it shortly after it was assigned (we had like a month to do it) and got it out of the way. Well, we post not only the working PHP file on our site, we also post the source code. So some jerkoff steals my code, alters a few things, turns it in as his own. I had no idea this imagine my shock a few weeks later when I get an e-mail from the grader saying that we cheated off each other and were both going to lose 5 points. I was PISSED. Fortunately, the other guy came clean and took 100% of the blame, and I didn't lose any points, but I was still pissed. Pissed that he took the code, and pissed that he was able to turn in my code and just lost 5 points for plagarism, because the teacher just didn't really care about the class. My code was perfect (I got all 50 possible points). So since he turns in my perfect code and just gets a 5 point deduction, he still gets an A with work he didn't do. Most professors will give a zero on an assignment if someone's caught cheating and some will report them. And this guy still gets an A. I learned my lesson after that...I didn't post any completed work online until about 5 minutes before it was due.

Fortunately, this case of someone stealing our work wasn't in an academic setting, and I could have fun and be cruel with the thief. Hopefully for him, the time he was able to steal our SWF and claim it as his own was worth the spinning penis and "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" that was playing on his site for the better part of the day :D
Fortunately, this case of someone stealing our work wasn't in an academic setting, and I could have fun and be cruel with the thief. Hopefully for him, the time he was able to steal our SWF and claim it as his own was worth the spinning penis and "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" that was playing on his site for the better part of the day :D

Yeah I know there are ways around Javascript, but still the meatspin thing is very funny. I wonder if the irony is lost on this person he was being a dick and so you put meatspin on his site?

It was more embarassing for me turning up to a job interview with my own work an then being told "hey I've seen it before on someone else's portfolio", and no I didn't get the job they gave it to the guy who had my work in his CV. My only satisfaction was that they fired him after a month because he could do anything that the job required because he had no skill level.
If you have sufficient flexibility on your server, you could use an HTACCESS restriction on a directory you put all your media in, and then make it restricted only to referrers from your own sites IP.

I was going to recommend the same idea.

I thought macromedia built in a Flash security element into the plug-in that prevented this from working? Or was that linking from a desktop to a server?

What version of Flash are you using?
im pretty sure if your site has cpanel access... you can ban there IP address assuming the IP address is static.. Flash does allow you to encrypt a swf but i think this just prevents people from decrypting it back into a fla file.
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