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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
I have an idea forming in my's very unformed at the moment, but the first step/thought is:

Can I make a program that shows a status in the menu bar?

What the status is isn't important right now.. Say "a green light if Caps Lock is on" or a word of my chosing just sitting there...

Barring that, a floating window showing whatever status, would be a second choice.

(further development of idea involves being able to change status by issuing a command in terminal, I think...but still working on thoughts)
My solution to my needs WAS to use BitBar...

Part of a system to change the key's on a USB Numberpad...

I use ControllerMate to change the key mappings, and the command there triggers an applescript that rights a one line text file in a directory.
BitBar then has a plugin that I wrote, that reads in that text file to a variable, and uses that to make the menu bar status I want.

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