Lovely app
Try to reduce the on-boarding pop up windows or at least make the on-boarding "thank you" graphic at the first launch / timed session length of app usage.
Such first-launch windows are generally intrusive to me. I wonder how other people feel.
Next, see if you can fix the permission screen. It's a bit jarring to look at that large green and red graphic telling the user to turn on screen recording. The dialog window pops up anyway and that window graphic just adds to the bloat.
If you really wanted to, then a notification in the menu bar item would probably be of more sense. Like adding an attention graphic to the menu bar icon if permissions aren't set up correctly, and then on click of the menu bar icon reveal a small text that says "Screen Recording Required" that in turn leads to System Preferences.
Then this . the Run at startup isn't the correct term - It should be Open at Login -
edit, or is it? I think it is - someone correct me
The buttons them selves "Run at Startup" and "Review" "Quit" should follow other button designs laid out by Apple. I don't know why there's a color on the right-hand side on those.. could just be my installation of Monterey?!
I went ahead and bought the app to support your development as it looks promising. Don't pay too much attention to my armchair designer speech. I've just seen so many first-launch or on-boarding screens to make me dizzy - especially when they could be presented in a better / more good way.
Additionally you could, if you wanted to, add the graphic that represents the user's display style; iMac, MacBook, External Apple Display or a Generic graphic for a PC Monitor for those using a Mac mini with a BenQ monitor or the like.
View attachment 2139561
I have yet to try using your application for more than a minute or so because I found that I needed to write this comment, commenting on first launch issues that nagged me.
Lastly, I would say that the app icon looks good, but if you want a Big Sur-style icon; then I suggest reaching out to someone who can make an icon + menu bar icon that resembles that of your original icon with rounded off corners.
Good luck with future revisions