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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2004

i have a image of the system 6 install disk from

i want to kwno if there is any way i can transfer this to a diskette using linux on my pc since my emac doesnt have a external floppy. ( i want ot install it on a mac classic with a superdrive )

oh yeah and also, is there any way to do it using a winblows program, sicne i have wine installed now?
they are in .sea.bin format.

one hting though, i think my old mac is toasted. if i try to start up off of ms flight-sim 1 disk, which is bootable ( i lost my os disks ), the harddrive doesnt show up at all. it used to but now, the mac doesnt read it. same thing goes if i try to start up normally, it gives me the disk with a question mark on it.
If the image file is a raw copy of the disk, then it should be no problem just do something like this:
dd if=imagefile.sea.bin of=/dev/fd0
First of all the disk image is compressed in a self-extracting installer (.sea) and encoded in MacBinary (.bin)

You need to open that stuff first to get the actual disk image file. Just drag 'n' drop the sea.bin file into Stuffit Expander to get the "disk image" file itself.

Then you could try to make a floppy on linux in whatever CLI fashion that lovely OS must use.

Funny that a Mac user has to ask about .sea.bin and needs a Linux box to make a floppy. Boy I must be getting rather old...
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