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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 16, 2011
I am running 10.7, if that makes a difference, and wish to make a RAID0 out of two internal drives I have in my '06 Pro.

I have an SSD as my main system drive, but I don't think that makes much difference.

I want to get an additional SSD for a Win7 install for a future project on the same '06 pro, using up the 4th bay.

My concern here is: Can I create the RAID0 setup and somehow access (READ/WRITE) to that RAID0 setup from within BOTH Win7 and 10.7?

I tried to explain this as simply as I could and I hope you can get what I am getting at.

Thanks! PS: I searched but couldn't find this specific topic on the site.
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