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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Dorset, England
I bought my wife a HomePod for Christmas. She will use it primarily for music and podcasts and will ask the odd simple question such as the forthcoming weather. She's unlikely to use it for much else.

As background info, we have a family Apple Music account set up with mine and her Apple ID's.

As I'm the master account in the Home app, the HomePod wouldn't set up with her iPhone and I had to do it with mine. Asking it to play some random music played something I would like and not her. Not ideal as it's her speaker not mine. I then updated the firmware from the shipping 11.2.5 to 12.1.1

Looking through the settings, I found that under "Music and Podcasts" I could log out of my account and log in using her Apple ID.

So now to my questions:

Firstly, now that I've logged in as her under "Music and Podcasts" is it safe to assume that any requests she makes via the HomePod will be based on her tastes, library and history (and not mine)?

Secondly. What happens if she were to try to send me a text from the HomePod while I was out (with my iPhone in my pocket)? I'm assuming that it won't work as my iPhone was the one that was used to set up the speaker.

My other half has never used Siri on her iOS devices so I'm keen for her experiences with voice control on her new HomePod to be mostly positive, otherwise I know it'll put her off using it. I appreciate that AirPlay is an option, but for the best results voice control seems to be the preferred method of interaction with HomePod.

I'd appreciate any tips.
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