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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2007
I wonder if anyone will write an app to turn the iPad into a wireless keyboard for your iMac or desktop. It will turn the iPad into the coolest keyboard on earth at the moment, though an expensive one.
I wonder if anyone will write an app to turn the iPad into a wireless keyboard for your iMac or desktop. It will turn the iPad into the coolest keyboard on earth at the moment, though an expensive one.

If I could use it as a remote desktop for my Mac Mini, that would be so cool. I would definitely run an HDMI cable from the office to my TV for that type of control.
If I were going to use it as a wireless keyboard, I would have bought one for $450 less. Remote control would be nice however, with greater control than the iPhone due to the larger screen
There's already an app for that. Check out Air Mouse. It has a great trackpad as well.
I wonder if anyone will write an app to turn the iPad into a wireless keyboard for your iMac or desktop. It will turn the iPad into the coolest keyboard on earth at the moment, though an expensive one.

Just need to port Synergy to it, I doubt it will take too long for someone to do it. Which interests me as I tried using my MP with a second Touch Sensitive screen plugged in but the cursor jump was to annoying when using it with an on screen keyboard. Using the iPad as an expensive keyboard suits me.:eek: Good for custom short cuts in Maya and 3ds
You can already use Air Mouse as a wireless keyboard and mouse on the iPhone. I see no reason why they couldn't produce an updated version of the app for the iPad.
If I could use it as a remote desktop for my Mac Mini, that would be so cool.

There's already an app for that. Some apps, actually. Search "VNC" on AppStore. It should work like a charm with WIFI N on the iPad side and Gigabit Ethernet on the Mini side. (and an Airport Extreme in the middle)
LOL...I will buy an iPad and make it into my keyboard for my iMac.

I think Apple sells the BEST wireless keyboard in the world: solid, compact size, perfect typing feedback. Why use a feedback-less stupid touch screen as a keyboard? That's the stupidest thing. You'd rather use the iPad as a touchpad (AirMouse, etc., on appstore) or as a VNC client.
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