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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 12, 2006
Under the sun
Well I've been using windows all my life, and I've hated it all my life, so after falling in love with my friend's pb, I've decided to get a mac.

There are two "issues"
1.Which one? I really don't like ibooks very much. Which leaves me with either the macbook pro or a refurbished 15 inch powerbook. With my education discount the mbp will cost 1799, just 200 more than the powerbook (going above the base model is financially not possible for me). The thing is, it basically has to get me through 4 years, so which would be better for me? (think light video editing, word processing, etc. nothing too heavy)

2.My dad's friend says I should get a suped-out 14 inch ibook. Even with the intel ibooks supposedly coming out, I really just don't think I like ibooks. My dad doesn't know anything about macs (this is my graduation present from him). But he's not too excited to pay near $2000 for a laptop. I told him that the mbp will actually last me 4 years while the powerbook line is ending its cycle (as I've been told). I want the mbp. To me, it's a bargain for that price. Also, how long until there will be refurbished mbp's do you think? Do you think there could be any by late July? I just want it before I go off to college in late August. Yeah, it'd be cool to have 3 months to get used to using a mac, but it's not necesary.

What do you think?
that's my feeling. I know the ibook is a good first laptop for switchers, but I'm pretty handy with computers, so I'm sure I'll catch on in no time. Trust me, my current laptop (the desktop I currently use is a shared one for the whole family) is so old the screen often dies on me, it has no USB port, it's at least 4 inches thick (and that's probably an underestimate), it's a windows 95, the space bar often doesn't work, it's memory is only in the kilobyte range. This desktop has only plagued me though. It's almost worse than the laptop with all its problems. :D :D I can't wait to own a mac. :D
Go for the widescreen MBP! The resolution on the non-widescreen 14" iBook would annoy the hell out of me.

If the Apple Store charges you tax on your $1799 order you could get it cheaper at

$1999.99 - $150 (rebate) - $30 (a9) = $1820

Plus, if you get the credit card you can save another $30 (first purchase) + $60 (3% amazon rewards) + $25 ($25 every $2,500 spent, almost there).

I got the 2.0 from Its currently in Ohio and should be in my hands on Tuesday :D
By summer, there will almost definitely be refurb MacBook Pros. For awhile now, there have been refurbs of the most recent Powerbook, and those were released this past October.
netb0y said:
Plus, if you get the credit card you can save another $30 (first purchase) + $60 (3% amazon rewards) + $25 ($25 every $2,500 spent, almost there).

What extra $25 are you talking about? The 3% goes towards the $25 reward certificates.
celebrian23 said:
Well I've been using windows all my life, and I've hated it all my life, so after falling in love with my friend's pb, I've decided to get a mac.

There are two "issues"
1.Which one? I really don't like ibooks very much. Which leaves me with either the macbook pro or a refurbished 15 inch powerbook. With my education discount the mbp will cost 1799, just 200 more than the powerbook (going above the base model is financially not possible for me). The thing is, it basically has to get me through 4 years, so which would be better for me? (think light video editing, word processing, etc. nothing too heavy)

2.My dad's friend says I should get a suped-out 14 inch ibook. Even with the intel ibooks supposedly coming out, I really just don't think I like ibooks. My dad doesn't know anything about macs (this is my graduation present from him). But he's not too excited to pay near $2000 for a laptop. I told him that the mbp will actually last me 4 years while the powerbook line is ending its cycle (as I've been told). I want the mbp. To me, it's a bargain for that price. Also, how long until there will be refurbished mbp's do you think? Do you think there could be any by late July? I just want it before I go off to college in late August. Yeah, it'd be cool to have 3 months to get used to using a mac, but it's not necesary.

What do you think?

You sound just like me about a month ago :). I have been using windows all my life until about 3 weeks ago. If finances are not a HUGE concern, I would go with the MBP - I did and I absolutely love it.

Good luck and welcome!
You should definately get the MBP. Since you are expecting a long life out of this purchase and not requiring many pro apps, MBP seems fine to me. I dont think youll regret it!

The new Macbooks or whatever they call it, may be an option as well, though we wont know how they will turn out yet!
A MBP will more than cover your needs, but you may also want to consider
waiting just a bit until we see any smaller MBP offering and you should also consider the benefits of using an iMac 17" or 20" as your primary workstation, then buying the newest intel iBook strictly for portable needs.

The iMac is a far superior set up for the money and the savings you have left over will soon add up to cover a smaller portable.

$17" iMac only sets you back $1199 education + 2 GB 3rd party RAM
so loaded your at $1400 ish.

Buy your portable closer to the start of the school year.

Just food for thought.
I agree with the above posts: go Intel since you're a switcher like I am (writing this right before heading off to pick up my iMac). No point in clinging on to older architechture when you're not doing anything really pro right now so software compatibility (Rosetta vs. Universal) isn't a problem, and this decision will probably reward you eventually.

But the question of "now or wait" is something we can only give opinnions about. If you think the 15" MBP will be just what you want, go for it. I suggest you wait if you want a smaller/larger display. And then there's the possibility that the Intelized iBook will be more to your taste...

And all that applies only to laptops, then there's the eternal "what-if" for the iMacs but if you're sure you want a laptop that's good, that's one choice closer to the Switch. :)
Thanks everyone- you've just confirmed what I was thinking was the right direction. I'm almost certainly going for the mbp. I'll wait it out as long as possible for a refurb, as I don't need a laptop now :D
mad jew said:
Welcome to Macs. Get the Intel machine. It'll last you much longer. :)

I second that... go with the MBP. I saw one in an Apple store and although they look pretty similar to the PB, the Magsafe and the built in iSight and the Front Row make it that much better (well I mean the new processor is good too I suppose :rolleyes: )
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