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Phatt Controlle

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 9, 2006

I've been a long time PC user, but i have recently decided that i need to buy a laptop. So the question is because i know almost nothing at all about mac, what should i be buying or look out for? I'm thinking the new Macbook (the black one is tempting, but i'm a student teacher so $ is a factors for me)

I would be using it around Uni, school, library, around the city, home etc so portability is a must. I would be using it for:

Microsoft Office (i know it exists on a mac, but does it come standard?)
Web browsing
MSN messenger
Watching DVD's

I would need to be sending files to and from my desktop pc, to the laptop, does the macbook or powerbook come with bluetooth? or would it be easier to use a usb memory stick? Stupid question i'm sure, but i can hook up my monitor, keyboard, speakers, etc to the macbook too right?

Thanks Heaps!

The MacBook sounds like the perfect option for you. It will be capable of everything you need. It does come with Bluetooth but I'm not sure if file transfer is possible between two computers - I think you might need to set up a network (or at least an ethernet cable) to achieve this. Hooking all of those peripherals will not be an issue either.

MS Office doesn't come standard (pre-installed, if that's what you mean), you'll have tu buy it you really need it. (130$ student ed.)

I'd go for the MacBook if i were you, just be sure to put a litte extra RAM in it, 512MB works but 1GB (or even 2GB) would be better to my opinion.

Sending files with Ethernet works fine, i do that all the time - as for MemoryStick it's also possible, just be sure to format FAT32 (i think), because Windows doens't work with HFS+ (my iPod is formatted for WinXP and OS X: works fine, just takes a little bit longer to mount on my Mac).

Hooking up peripherals isn't a problem, if you want to connect a monitor don't forget tu buy an adapter (MiniDVI to VGA for ex).
BrianSalts said:
CAn I use the built in webcam in the macbook to do webcam messaging with msn?

Not with the default msn messenger software AFAIK. You're probably looking for amsn []
I think people are having trouble with MSN an Video-Chat on the MB; you should tell your friends to instlal AIM on their PC, that should work.
Does teh default msn work with voice messaging with the built in macbook mic?

And does adium work with voice messaging with the built in mic too?

And when will adium integrate webcam support?
I just wanted to mention that sending files with Bluetooth is easy and works very well. I regularly use Bluetooth to send files back and forth between my PowerBook and other computers, both Mac and PC. You don't have to setup a network first either.
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