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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 21, 2024
Good morning all

I was on the web using DuckDuckGo browser clicked a malicious website this morning on iphone

the site asked for access to photos and camera. I clicked cancel on both.

Then a pop-up came up with a phone number to call. I cancelled this as well.

I since deleted all web browser history on duckduckgo (clears everything on closing app). Just to be safe I also deleted the entire duckduckgo app.

I checked my permissions in settings and checked to make sure no new apps were downloaded. All clear.

What else can I do to be sure I am secure here? Is there any way the website could have access to my personal photos and camera?
1. Make sure you are up to date as far as software
2. You can toggle off camera and mic in Safari settings
3. Make sure your apple id secured by MFA and your phone has a complex password
4. Apps cannot be installed without your permission. The phone asks for a click confirmation
5. As the poster above said, get a good ad-blocker.
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