I'm not a fan of running background processes like that unless absolutely necessary. I would just fire it up and run manually once in a while if you are worried about malware.
What's the difference between the pay version and free version? I have used Malwarebytes but it was the free version which can be run manually anytime. The pay version reverts to the free version after a certain period of time. 30 days?
Its more honest to pay for software that one will use.
I understand that, but then why do they have a free version? I believe in paying for shareware - but Malwarebytes is not shareware. I no longer use Malwarebytes but instead use DetectX Swift (which I paid for). The reason I no longer use Malwarebytes is the way it scatters itself throughout your hard drive. I found close to 2 GB of its files and other things on my hard drive.
Its more honest to pay for software that one will use.
I could not agree more with this statement! I use Malwarebytes as well, the PAID version. The same with EtreCheck and some other apps I have. The developers help us a great deal by designing these apps, and here I specifically have EtreCheck in mind, a brilliant app, designed specifically for Mac.
Bottom line: If you can afford a Mac, then you can afford to pay for applications that run on it.