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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 4, 2024
After years of unregulated use of Macbooks the organisation I work for is starting to manage our Macbooks by swiping them and installing software like Microsoft Defender and Edge...
Is there a way to take control over this macbook before they wipe it? And maintain control after? After the wipe I wont be able to install anything anymore.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
After years of unregulated use of Macbooks the organisation I work for is starting to manage our Macbooks by swiping them and installing software like Microsoft Defender and Edge...
Is there a way to take control over this macbook before they wipe it? And maintain control after? After the wipe I wont be able to install anything anymore.
No. Additionally, if it’s their equipment it’s their right to manage it however they want. You installing a “back door” would undoubtedly be a policy violation, security risk, and therefore subject to termination.

If it’s your personal laptop then that’s another story.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 4, 2024
No. Additionally, if it’s their equipment it’s their right to manage it however they want. You installing a “back door” would undoubtedly be a policy violation, security risk, and therefore subject to termination.

If it’s your personal laptop then that’s another story.
It is a complicated case. In short, we have to pay off laptops over a period of 2 years. Mine has been payed off and now I own the macbook. So is it possible to create a back door or something to let me be in control when I have to? Example, Airdrop will be locked, I would like to unlock it after, or manage screensaver/ screen uptime settings etc.


Sep 20, 2013
It probably isn’t complicated. Specifics regarding your employment agreement with your employer most likely include plolicies which have to be agreed and followed as terms of employment. If you are using a personal device (BYOD) for work, agreed employment terms most likely mean employer can install MDM profile on your BYOD. This common practice and protects employer and employer data and systems. Attempting to circumvent MDM profile breach policies and would grounds for termination. Again, standard under such BYOD circumstances.
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