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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 19, 2003
How do you manually filter in Eudora for OS X? I used to use cmd-j, but now that sends mail to the junk folder.
The Special menu has Make Filter...and Filter Messages menu items.

If you have an annoying piece of mail, while it's selected, use Make Filter... Eudora will bring up several characteristics to move e-mail around the application. It's really not just for bad e-mail, but for anything special. e.g., when I receive e-mail from school, I send it to that specific mailbox automatically.

If you haven't set your junk mail to be deleted automatically, you probably should--you can set a number of days so that you can inspect it prior to removal.
Yes, i've made a bunch of filters, and in general they're working well (though a couple of maillist items always land in Junk and have to be rescued, for some reason).

My question was really about *manual* filtering - is there a keyboard shortcut for this?
No, it never appeared to be a concern to the developers. It seems that they figured everything should be done automatically or, if you didn't want that, the menu item wasn't that far away.
Can't find the menu item either.

I assume it's possible, since the filter dialogue box offers "in, out, manual" options.

Mind, there's another annoyance about the dialogue box: why don't they have the server options at the top of the list? Surely the main thing people use filters for is to filter mail into mailboxes?
Well, I can't help you look at the menus. :D

Server options? Use the From contains field.
We seem to be at cross purposes here. I have no problems with making filters. My problem is that I don't know how to *filter the mail manually*.

Let's say you make a filter for all mail containing the address x@y.x to go into the X mailbox. You set it to filter in three ways: incoming, outgoing, and *manual*.

From now on, all the mail that comes in, and all the mail you send out, is filtered into the mailbox you've made and called X.

But what about all those 50 mails from your friend X? You'd like to filter those in manually.

In my old Eudora, you simply highlighted the whole mailbox and pressed cmd-j, and all the mail in that mailbox trotted off into the different mailboxes you'd instructed the filter to send it to. So the mails from X would go to mailbox X, the mails from that fascinating maillist Mailfilter-L would go into the mailbox you'd called Mailly, etc.

It's this latter business I can't do - the actual *manual* use of the filter. And the menus are no help to me, unfortunately. Can't find any reference to manual filtering in them.
Oh wait, I found it: Special, Filter Messages. There just isn't a keyboard shortcut any more.
Originally posted by Mala
Oh wait, I found it: Special, Filter Messages. There just isn't a keyboard shortcut any more.

Yes, that was in my first reply. :D

I never used the keyboard shortcut for manual filtering.

The keyboard shortcuts aren't usually the same as other applications, so I just stay away. e.g., I get the 'Discard' dialogue when I press <command-left arrow> and if you press <command-d> to respond Discard, it not only discards the e-mail, but it quits the application. What a user interface mess! :D
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