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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 21, 2006
On my dslr, to change from autofocus to manual there is a switch on the lens. Is this the same for film slrs?


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
On my dslr, to change from autofocus to manual there is a switch on the lens. Is this the same for film slrs?

Just like with digital, it depends, sometimes you have to flip a body switch, some lenses don't allow manual override without changing modes and some allow manual override while it's in autofocus mode. Generally though the focus modules for the digitals are the same mechanically as those used in the more recent film bodies.


macrumors 65816
yes... especially if you end up using the SAME lens.

Your question is basically if everything works on a film SLR as it would on a dSLR. If you have an AF lens (with the switch to turn to MF), and you put that lens on a AF SLR, the function will work just like it did on your dSLR. If you tried, on the other hand to put a 70-200 VR (say you're using a Nikon) on an FM 10 (a manual SLR), you will find that the lens won't fit.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
On my dslr, to change from autofocus to manual there is a switch on the lens. Is this the same for film slrs?

If you were to mount your lens on a film SLR I guess the switch would still be right there on the lens in the same place.

But then on ALL of my auto-focus SLR bodies, film and digital there is a switch on the body. Some of my lenses have the switch too. The newer ones all do.

Of course my manual focus bodies lack the switch but if I mount an AF lens on the manual body the swich does nothing. Same when I mount a manual focus lens on an AF body the switch on the lens (if there is one) does nothing

Oh, one more thing. My new Nikon AF-S lens has a sensor inside the focus ring that turns off AF if you rotate the ring. This way you don't have to flip a switch to go into manual mode.

Clear? Ok, sorry. Short answer is "all combinations are possible"


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
If you tried, on the other hand to put a 70-200 VR (say you're using a Nikon) on an FM 10 (a manual SLR), you will find that the lens won't fit.

Are you sure? I thought the 70-200 acts like an AI-S on a the FM10.

My only manual SLR is an F2 and I don't have a 70-200 so I can't test this but in general all F-mount lenses at least "fit" all f-mount bodies although there are exceptions and limitations
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