I have a MP 3,1 and when I manually put it to sleep, it goes to sleep, however when I move my mouse or press the power button to bring it back, I either get a black screen with the beach-ball or a white screen with my mouse pointer. Any ideas?
Some back round, I have a 5770 driving three 23" LED monitors, all four drive caddies are full, plus I have another drive and an SSD in one optical bay as well as a bluray drive in the other optical bay. I also have an external FW800 drive bay for backups.
Some back round, I have a 5770 driving three 23" LED monitors, all four drive caddies are full, plus I have another drive and an SSD in one optical bay as well as a bluray drive in the other optical bay. I also have an external FW800 drive bay for backups.