There’s a Name this pet option for meHow can I manually name pets in my photos? I can’t seem to be able to add a name.
Not for me. I’m on the full ios17.There’s a Name this pet option for me
This is what I see when I presss the information button on the photo.There’s a Name this pet option for me
That makes a lot of sense!I'd try giving it time to index if you just updated. It needs time to analyze the photos and group then together before you can add names.
Where can you see if it is indexing?Was going to ask the same question. I only see a “people and places” album. I don’t see “people, pets and places”.
I’ve been letting my phone and iPad index most of the day, but they are still going. I have around 8800 total images and videos, but I wouldn’t think it would take that long to index as they are all downloaded.
Yep, same for me. It took 2 full nights of being on charge before my dog appeared in the album.
Where can you see if it is indexing?