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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 26, 2011
I noticed and took a screen shot of my iPhone saying Maritime where I would typically see AT&T. I don't know how long it was there before I noticed and it switched back to AT&T shortly after I saw it.

I was at work where my signal is always whacky/poor, but I am no where near the water or any cruise ship for that matter.

Any idea as to why I saw this?
Being a VSAT provider, you could've picked it up anywhere. Sounds like you roamed on them momentarily. They provide service for the military, commercial yachts and cruise ships.
Honestly, most of my weird signal/wifi issues are mostly at work. I don't know what it is about the spot. Perhaps it's the materials….It's like the building is anti cell signal or something :roll eyes:
I've seen this before, if I end up in some basement or something with zero phone reception. It tries to hook onto a super weak Maritime 2G connection and then eventually goes to No Service.
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