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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Spoilers may be unshielded.

A battle of good vs evil... maybe. ;) Danny Rand returns to NYC, a man who was believed killed with his parents in a plane crash in Tibet 15 years earlier when he was a boy. He spent the time in a Monestsry of warrior monks. His father was a founder of a billion dollar corporation. At first his purpose is unclear, and he is resisted by the children of his Father’s partner to be acknowledged as heir to 51% of the corporation. Then there is this good vs evil thing. :D

The Hand:, a secret ninja orgsnization of which I believe Ekecktra, Daredevil’s love interest is a member of. Then we have Danny Rand, Iron Fist.
How Iron Fist connects to other Marvel stories:

Premiered March 2017, renewed for a second season in 2019.

Four episodes in, I’m enjoying this, I like the characters, the atmosphere, the daylight ;), and the story. However:

I was expecting the first 13 episode season to be about him regaining his place in the company doing good deeds along the way, but that changed in Episode 4 which suddenly changed the dynamic, and imo took the wind out of the sails for story by removing this tension.

Also interesting is the evil organization called the Hand. I’ve heard the name before, maybe in Super Ninja Turtles? :D Don’t know much about it at this point other than the partner who died, is still alive and beholding to The Hand.

The real question is Danny Rand mortal? I believe he is, although he said he spent time in heaven and is imbued with divine power on occasion. :)
The only thing that really bugged me and it bugged me in the Defenders series also, is every time he talked, it seemed like he had to throw in, somewhere, anywhere, in the conversation that he was the "Immortal Iron Fists". Some of the fight scenes were a little off putting also, but overall it wasn't too bad. Not my favorite of the group.
@Huntn, you should have heard of the Hand as they were a part of the Daredevil series. From what I recall you have posted about watching that one. I enjoyed Iron Fist just as I have enjoyed all of the Marvel shows on Netflix.
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@Huntn, you should have heard of the Hand as they were a part of the Daredevil series. From what I recall you have posted about watching that one. I enjoyed Iron Fist just as I have enjoyed all of the Marvel shows on Netflix.
At first I thought it was from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I remember something from Daredevil. ;)
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@Huntn, you should have heard of the Hand as they were a part of the Daredevil series. From what I recall you have posted about watching that one. I enjoyed Iron Fist just as I have enjoyed all of the Marvel shows on Netflix.

I do remember the ninja fight scene and the ninjas... :)
I loved reading Iron Fist as a kid. It was frustrating to see the fight scenes on this show and how dumb the Danny Rand character is when it comes to try and assimilate back. Why are they making the character who has zero education try and take over a company he knows nothing about???
I loved reading Iron Fist as a kid. It was frustrating to see the fight scenes on this show and how dumb the Danny Rand character is when it comes to try and assimilate back. Why are they making the character who has zero education try and take over a company he knows nothing about???

That was one of the big issues I had with his character also. He just didn't seem that smart. I mentioned it earlier but some of the fight scenes are horrible to watch.
I loved reading Iron Fist as a kid. It was frustrating to see the fight scenes on this show and how dumb the Danny Rand character is when it comes to try and assimilate back. Why are they making the character who has zero education try and take over a company he knows nothing about???
I’m up to about Episode 9 and I’m a bit confused how Danny with his 51% ownership can force through a drug sales policy in a board meeting, but then gets kicked out along with Joy and Ward. I remember Apple kicked out Apple founder, Steve Jobs so it can happen. This aspect of the story seems a bit disjointed. Do board members usually keep offices in the company building where they sit on the board?
I wasn't too impressed with the story progression of the last Netflix special that came out in November or December.

I finished Season One and give the series a thumbs up. I’ll be watching Season 2. :D


Imo, the series developers tried to do too much in Season 1.

  • The story was disjointed, with many holes, forcing the viewer to go with the flow and not question.
  • It lost a lot of tension by short changing the aspect of Danny Rand convincing his childhood friends, now incharge of The Rand Corporation, that he was who he said he was, and working his way back into His Father’s Company.
  • The Corporate/boardroom aspects of the story was disjointed, Danny is an empty chair, dips in, makes a decision about how to market a life saving drug, but he does not spend enough time integrating into the leadership of the company, spending all of his time fighting the Hand. The Boardroom intrigue was short changed, just another of too many story elements.
  • The story also struggled with The Iron Fists continuing confusion, being played by others, and figuring out just who he is and what he wants to do.

What I liked:

  • All of the characters, especially character development of Ward Meachum.
  • Daytime environment.
  • Bushido elements of the story, fighting was acceptable.
  • Some intrique defining the Hand, good or bad, the differences between Madam GAO and Bakuto. Bakuto is such a smooth operator, he almost seemed like the good guy fighting the oligarchy, but then he is revealed to be a charismatic murdering thug.
  • Several narrative surprises, such as The Gift, who Danny’s girlfriend is aligned with, who caused a plane crash central to the story.
  • The fate of K’un Lun.
I feel deflated after watching Season 2, Episode 1. Blah. What about K'un-Lun? It was closed off or destroyed, I forget which, and we come back to Season 2 and IF is out making deliveries? Yeah something is going on with the Joy Meachum and Davos, not romantic, but the episode seemed rather unfocused and detached from the Season 1 finale. I don't know if I'll continue this or not.

Anyone watched all of it? If so can you recommend it without spoilers? Thanks!
I’ve watched part of season 2. There’s better fighting. It suffers from the same glacial plot development of other Marvel series on Netflix.

If you liked the most recent seasons of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Then I’d say it’s worth continuing. Personally, I’m fed up with the slow story pace of these shows. I skipped most of LC and JJ seasons 2. Fast forwarding any scene featuring the personal lives bad guys. Couldn’t finish Iron Fist Season 2 and won’t bother with Season 3 of Daredevil.
Well, season 2 for both Iron Fist and Luke Cage are their last ones. That said, they probably don't bring some sort of overall closure as the cancellations came after the seasons aired. There are also no plans for another season of The Defenders. So basically Daredevil and Jessica Jones are all that's left from that set, at least for now.
I’ve watched part of season 2. There’s better fighting. It suffers from the same glacial plot development of other Marvel series on Netflix.

If you liked the most recent seasons of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Then I’d say it’s worth continuing. Personally, I’m fed up with the slow story pace of these shows. I skipped most of LC and JJ seasons 2. Fast forwarding any scene featuring the personal lives bad guys. Couldn’t finish Iron Fist Season 2 and won’t bother with Season 3 of Daredevil.
I like Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Luke Cage is ok. I may abandon Iron Fist.
We were so disappointed in season one, which we never finished, we didn't even start season two!
I liked some of the dynamics, The Hand, resurrected father, Kung Fu girlfriend associated unknowingly with the Hand. They blew the conflict of Danny getting back into his Father’s Corporation and dropped the ball on K’un Lun.
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