I’m an owner of a SS Gold watch and been looking into this also, and I can say that...
1. Most colored bands work and pair well, such as sports bands. Even if the pin is silver, it’s not visible really unless you’re mega OCD and like looking at the back of your wrist a lot. Even so, it doesn’t jump out. So all sports bands are viable, though of course it’s always a bonus if you can find one with gold or colored pins.
2. Sports loops and the now discontinued nylon bands look good too, and their pins and connectors are the same as the band colors so they match fine. The good stainless steel along with the nylon black band is a super classy looking combo.
3. Milanese loop and link bands do not look good in silver with the gold. But black stainless steel versions actually match very well and look amazing. Obviously for Milanese loop, the original gold Apple version is an option. I’ll be buying it when it’s available as I bought the sports band edition on launch day.
4. Most “gold” bands from third parties will not match the tone of the new SS good case so they’ll probably look crappy, I’d wait for the third parties to start matching the color.
5. If having the most band options is important to you, go with the stainless steel edition. That said, the gold stainless steel still has many great options and looks way classier and higher end than the aluminum versions which are even less flexible