About App
"Math Be Nimble is a very helpful game for all players wishing to hone their skills, boost their confidence, and have fun with mathematics. If you are looking to increase math skill, or just want a good mental workout to keep your brain sharp, try Math Be Nimble! It is free and it works!
The fun gameplay provides encouragement for players to think quickly and exercise their math. This game really helps you gain a solid understanding of math basics, and helps you to do them quickly.
For more details visit Math Be Nimble is an exciting way to play math, and players really do learn while having fun.
Math Be Nimble is ad supported and includes in-app options to Go Ad Free, however this free app is fully functional. Math Be Nimble is available for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch in the Apple App Store and for Android devices in the Google Play Store."
"For more details and a demo video visit"