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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2007

I am a recent "convert" from Pagan PC to the true religion of MAC.

May you recommend sites / hints for mathematical functions in C++ / Xcode?
How do I view the standard C++ /C library? I know math.h exists.

Math. functions I wish to run would include the following:
(1) cross products, summations, vectors, matrices,
(2) derivatives, integrals

Suggestions? Comments? THANKS!!


macrumors 6502
Aug 16, 2006
Groningen, The Netherlands
I'm no expert, but to the best of my knowledge OS X's C++ compiler does come with the standard linear algebra packge (LAPACK) and also vectorized version for some of the operations (part of the Accelerate framework).

To the best of my knowledge, numerical derivation and quardature are not part of the standard packages. What libraries have used on your PC? It is more than likely that a compiled version is available for OS X.

Check 's performance tutorials on the way to use Accelerate.
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