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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 18, 2007
I got the phone Friday, but was busy at an event all weekend and didn't get a chance to really inspect the phone until this morning, and I've noticed a couple of very minor imperfections, on the bottom near the lightining port on the matte finish and antenna lines. They show up as shiny marks. I also have one on the top corner near the camera housing. Anyone else seeing anything similar?

I've got 30 days through AT&T Premier to return the phone, and with the shortage, I'm not in a big hurry to get an exchange, especially since I am predominantly an Android guy and I'm not sure if I will stick with the 7 Plus or go back to Android.


macrumors 603
Jul 7, 2010
Bay Area
I got the matte black as well but didn't have any imperfections with the finish. I'm sure they'll show up after awhile with wear and tear.


macrumors 68000
Aug 12, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
I have absolutely no patience whatsoever for OCD like this. I would have more empathy if it was a crack (like the old Mac Cubes may have had) or deep scratch, but this is much too crazy to fret about.

Hopefully you were going to put it in a case anyways, because you certainly would have a ton more "imperfections" if you were planning on going naked with it.

And Apple certainly made a footnote about this too, so you knew it before you bought it.


macrumors 68030
Nov 27, 2007
I got the matte black 7. First thing I did after unboxing was slapping on a tempered glass and a clear TPU case. I want the phone to make sure it will survive a mild drop.

Didn't care to examine imperfections.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 21, 2015
Planet Earth
I have absolutely no patience whatsoever for OCD like this. I would have more empathy if it was a crack (like the old Mac Cubes may have had) or deep scratch, but this is much too crazy to fret about.

Hopefully you were going to put it in a case anyways, because you certainly would have a ton more "imperfections" if you were planning on going naked with it.

And Apple certainly made a footnote about this too, so you knew it before you bought it.
That escalated quickly.

And to OP: Pics or it didn't happen.


macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2015
I got the phone Friday, but was busy at an event all weekend and didn't get a chance to really inspect the phone until this morning, and I've noticed a couple of very minor imperfections, on the bottom near the lightining port on the matte finish and antenna lines. They show up as shiny marks. I also have one on the top corner near the camera housing. Anyone else seeing anything similar?

I've got 30 days through AT&T Premier to return the phone, and with the shortage, I'm not in a big hurry to get an exchange, especially since I am predominantly an Android guy and I'm not sure if I will stick with the 7 Plus or go back to Android.
News flash! Nothing is perfect!
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macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
I got the matte black 7. First thing I did after unboxing was slapping on a tempered glass and a clear TPU case. I want the phone to make sure it will survive a mild drop.

Didn't care to examine imperfections.

And to be honest I lease my phones now, new iPhone every year. So back in the old days when I knew I had to sale the phone I always wanted perfection out the box. Today as long as there is no scratches on the display or deep gouges on the body I'm fine. I still remember swapping out a iPhone 5 due to scuffgate. Not sure if I would waste my time today.


macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2011
My toddler knocked my brand new 7 off the table onto the tile while I was restoring it. Had the phone out of the box for maybe 3 minutes. Now i have a cracked screen (very bottom of phone so i can still use it) and a nice chip in the aluminum. Didn't even have time to put a case on it... So yes, small imperfections on mine right out of the box.


macrumors 65816
Apr 11, 2010
Already have 3 small nicks along the upper right side ridge on the back of my matte black. No idea how I got them.

Reselling this will be fun after a year of use.


Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
Black shows everything, it's certainly beautiful when you take it out of the box but that's short lived. Apple has a hard time with quality, so multiple exchanges to get a good one are the norm in their world.


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2014
My toddler knocked my brand new 7 off the table onto the tile while I was restoring it. Had the phone out of the box for maybe 3 minutes. Now i have a cracked screen (very bottom of phone so i can still use it) and a nice chip in the aluminum. Didn't even have time to put a case on it... So yes, small imperfections on mine right out of the box.

Sounds like your 'small imperfection' is your kid lol

Do you have apple care? What are you going to do now?
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Jul 12, 2016
I have absolutely no patience whatsoever for OCD like this. I would have more empathy if it was a crack (like the old Mac Cubes may have had) or deep scratch, but this is much too crazy to fret about.

Hopefully you were going to put it in a case anyways, because you certainly would have a ton more "imperfections" if you were planning on going naked with it.

And Apple certainly made a footnote about this too, so you knew it before you bought it.

Agreed. Especially with a black iPhone, it's going to show any signs of wear and tear in the slightest, more so being black. And who knows how the OP treats his iPhone. It could be user error, based off he is noticing these issues more than other iPhones because of the color.
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Sep 25, 2012
Some people are meticulous about their possessions. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm one of those people. When I'm paying $800 for a phone, then yes, I expect nothing short of perfection.

It's no different than anything else, really. Some people are born slobs or become slobs because of the way they're raised. Those people don't mind driving beat up cars with paint flaking here and there, either because (a) they don't care or (b) they don't notice it.

That doesn't mean the rest of us perfectionists should succumb to that sort of sloppy, unorganized way of life. For all I know, the slobs can clean my toilets. On second thought, maybe not.
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macrumors G4
Oct 24, 2014
This is where it's handy to have a black permanent marker to touch up blemishes.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2008
I got the phone Friday, but was busy at an event all weekend and didn't get a chance to really inspect the phone until this morning, and I've noticed a couple of very minor imperfections, on the bottom near the lightining port on the matte finish and antenna lines. They show up as shiny marks. I also have one on the top corner near the camera housing. Anyone else seeing anything similar?

I've got 30 days through AT&T Premier to return the phone, and with the shortage, I'm not in a big hurry to get an exchange, especially since I am predominantly an Android guy and I'm not sure if I will stick with the 7 Plus or go back to Android.

No pictures = no problem


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2016
My first 7+ matte black had a couple shinier spots on the back right out of the box too, but the bigger problem was a piece of dust under the camera lens. Bought another and the new one has neither of those issues. For what it's worth, I wouldn't have returned it for the aluminum imperfects as they really just looked like fingerprint / oil marks and would be completely unnoticeable once you got the phone all fingerprinted or put it in a case anyways.


macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2011

Sounds like your 'small imperfection' is your kid lol

Do you have apple care? What are you going to do now?
You think I would have learned by now with a tornado living in my house...

I do have Apple Care, and am going to stop by the genius bar tomorrow to see if there are even any replacements available. Part of me is considering just using it until i really need a replacement, but at the same time I have a hard time using a "broken" phone that is literally days old. First world problems I know.


macrumors regular
Aug 19, 2014
You think I would have learned by now with a tornado living in my house...

I do have Apple Care, and am going to stop by the genius bar tomorrow to see if there are even any replacements available. Part of me is considering just using it until i really need a replacement, but at the same time I have a hard time using a "broken" phone that is literally days old. First world problems I know.

Im yet to have a tornado... I cant afford to replace everything I own lol

How bad is the screen? Just a crack? Would break me up having to look at that (no pun intd) so i'd get it done, use up one of your two goes. Availability might be an issue depending on location yea.

First world for sure, but we all live in our own little worlds so how can we compare...
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2011
Some people are meticulous about their possessions. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm one of those people. When I'm paying $800 for a phone, then yes, I expect nothing short of perfection.

This is such a meaningless statement. So does everything over $800 need to be perfect, or only a phone? If it's only for a phone that requires perfection, then you admit you're overpaying in the first place.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2007
This is such a meaningless statement. So does everything over $800 need to be perfect, or only a phone? If it's only for a phone that requires perfection, then you admit you're overpaying in the first place.
Exactly. Where does one draw the line? Im guessing he wont be buying a used house in his lifetime. Since a house will obviously cost more than 800$ and not be perfect.
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macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2014
This is such a meaningless statement. So does everything over $800 need to be perfect, or only a phone? If it's only for a phone that requires perfection, then you admit you're overpaying in the first place.

Price doesn't mean anything tbh. Doesn't matter if it's $50, $300 or $800, if you're paying for a product, you expect it to be perfect.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2011
Price doesn't mean anything tbh. Doesn't matter if it's $50, $300 or $800, if you're paying for a product, you expect it to be perfect.

You expect every single thing you buy to be perfect? Yikes. You've got a disappointing life ahead of you. This is why the terrorists hate us.
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macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2014
You expect every single thing you buy to be perfect? Yikes. You've got a disappointing life ahead of you. This is why the terrorists hate us.

Luckily I'm not American :) So if you purchased a $50K car and there was a scratch straight from the dealership, you wouldn't complain? :rolleyes:
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